How to Get Traded in RTTS in MLB The Show 18
In MLB The Show 18’s Road to the Show (RTTS) mode, you step into the shoes of one individual player starting off in the minor league. You’ll get drafted, sign to a AA club, and have to work your way up the ranks to the majors. New to MLB The Show 18 are archetypes and natural rating progression. So, instead of spending training points, you’ll just naturally progress in areas where you are effective. If you’re a good at making contact, you’ll progress in contact quicker than if you swung and missed at everything.
If you’re playing RTTS at its default settings, you’ll get drafted by a team that you may or may not be happy with. This also may or may not be the team you spend your entire career with. Like in real life, at some point you might want to be traded, or request a trade to leave your current situation and start anew somewhere else.
At any point you could be traded by your club if they want, and there’s not really a whole lot you can do about it. So option A is just waiting for a trade to happen. Again, it may not ever come or it could happen frequently.
However, at some point during the game, you’ll be able to hire an agent. Your agent can make requests to your team on your behalf, which includes requesting a trade. You can go through your agent to demand a trade. Demanding a trade will increase your chances of being traded, but it’s still no guaranteed that you will. Your team can refuse to trade you and if that happens, you’ll be forced to play out the rest of your contact. Feel free to keep trying, but it may not happen. Your agent will also periodically check in on you and you can ask them to trade you then as well. But again, it’s up to your team ultimately.
Published: Mar 23, 2018 04:37 pm