Are you wondering how to build walls, gates, and other fortifications in Manor Lords? Well, it’s extremely simple, really, and we’ve gone into detail about it below. Also, we included certain tricks you’ll need to make it more efficient and, most importantly, more convenient. So, let’s dive straight in, shall we?
How to Make Walls in Manor Lords
Before we even start, know that the castle-building features in Manor Lords are still bugged. It can happen that your whole town will become unselectable if you decide to enclose it with walls. So, first, try building a small wall around a single burgage slot or something, and if it doesn’t bug out the slot, expand it. Otherwise, just don’t build them around the whole town; instead, only around structures that you won’t change in the future.
How to Open the Castle Planner

In Manor Lords, the first building you’ll need to make before you start raising walls in your settlements is a Manor. You can find it in the administration section of the building menu. It costs 5 wood, 20 planks, and 10 stone. It also grants 250 influence, which you’ll need at some point to claim other land.
Next, once you’ve constructed it, click on the Manor and open the castle planner feature. This is the tool you’ll use to make walls and other defensive structures. You can also make Tax offices, but those are purely decorative at the moment.
How to Build Walls
Once you are in the planner menu, check out the four buildable structures on the right. Those are the tools you can select and they are:
- Walls & Gates: This is the tool with which you can draw your walls and gates in Manor Lords. Don’t worry about gate placement, as they are added automatically over roads.
- Outer Towers: Guard towers from which your soldiers will shoot arrows at approaching enemies.
- Garrison Tower: You can build one per settlement, and it increases your maximum number of retinues by 12.
- Tax Office: As we mentioned above, this one is still purely decorative.

First, pick the Outer Towers tool and start expanding the zone of influence so it covers the whole area you want to surround with walls. You can remove these later and save on construction time and costs, but we’ll cover that in a minute.
Second, after you’ve placed the Outer Towers, you can now finally start placing your first walls and gates in Manor Lords by choosing the Walls tool and drawing them out. Also, they don’t need to connect the towers since those are used just to spread your buildable area.

Finally, if you want, you can remove the Outer Towers to lower the construction costs. You can do that by holding ALT and left-clicking each tower. Close the planner and reopen it so the construction costs get updated, and then click Commit to start the build. The only thing you’ve got to do now is to wait for your workers to complete it.
Well, that covers everything regarding how to build walls and gates in Manor Lords. For more useful guides like this one, be sure to bookmark Twinfinite. We’ve covered how all the most essential mechanics work in Manor Lords, including trading, combat, and even farming.
Published: Apr 26, 2024 12:00 am