Beyond just its combat system, there are many other things going on in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty that can affect your chances of success. It could be learning the best Wizardry spells, or having the right set of equipment to augment your playstyle. For players hoping to kit themselves out for all sorts of situations, it is vital that you learn just how to upgrade weapons and armor in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, and we are here to help.
Upgrading Weapons and Armor in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty
Early on in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you will meet the blacksmith Zhu Ran near one of the Battle Flags in a level, giving you the option of upgrading your gear for the very first time.

As a rule, weapons will require Steel to upgrade, whereas armor will utilize the Leather resource. These run from Rank 1 all the way up to the maximum of Rank 9. Each level will require three of the resources plus a monetary cost. Your options at this point will be limited to just the upgrading function.
About a third of the way through, players will then gain access to the Hidden Village, where Zhu Ran will set up shop permanently and unlock other useful options when it comes to gear. Embedment is all about changing the bonus effects found on your gear by using Jewels; decoration is the transmog feature that can change the appearance of items, whereas salvage turns unwanted items into more resources. You can also choose to sell your items for more copper to fund your endeavors.

Considering the costs involved, especially towards the higher ranks where resources are harder to get, it is recommended that you find your best weapon and gear choice before committing. While you can replay certain levels to earn said resources, making yourself more powerful first will help tremendously.

Armed with this knowledge on how to upgrade weapons and armor in Wo Long: Fallen Dynasty, you will have a much easier time in the game. For players seeking more help, be sure to check out the related content below, otherwise, you can search Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 3, 2023 12:00 am