With mysteries and secrets being a huge part of Atomic Heart, it makes perfect sense for the game to have plenty of security measures in place to stop prying eyes and curious minds from discovering things that they are not supposed to. However, that is definitely one of the more important things players will have to get comfortable with in the game, and if you are wondering just how to unlock Passive Security Relays in Atomic Heart, this is the guide for you.
Passive Security Relays in Atomic Heart

Instead of normal locks, the Passive Security Relays represent another intriguing obstacle in the way of players in Atomic Heart. It is represented by six big circles with magnetic fluxes that can be rotated, and an eventual result that players will need to achieve in order to successfully bypass the security measure.
Unlocking Passive Security Relays in Atomic Heart

As suggested by the in-game tutorial, the only way to get past these locks is to rotate the magnetic fluxes, so the final result matches the order that is being shown at the side of the relay. There will be several of these kinds of relays in the game, each with a different pattern that needs to be matched, along with modifiers like splitting paths and the like.

The first step is always to remember the pattern that needs to be matched, how many reds and blues you will need, and which row they correspond to. Next, look at the current setup and what colored light is being projected by each row. This will inform you on what are the possible results that can be obtained by your rotation.

Then the time for experimentation will come. Start by rotating the first set of circular circuits, and try to remember what are the results of your changes. Depending on the complexity of the Passive Security Relay, making use of the abovementioned modifiers will become essential.
Just remember the following formula:
- Blue + Blue = Red
- Red + Blue = Blue
- Red + Red = Red
It will take some getting used to, but eventually, you should be able to get the hang of it if you start with the initial set of circular circuits first to get the lights where you need them, before applying any of the modifiers.
Now that you are more clear on how to unlock Passive Security Relays in Atomic Heart, we wish you good luck in the Soviet Union. If you’re seeking more help with the game, here’s how to deal with CCTV cameras in Atomic Heart. As always, make sure to search Twinfinite for more answers about everything else.
Published: Feb 21, 2023 06:52 am