Moving a Sim out of a household is tough, which makes it difficult to find the time to visit family or plan social events; especially if your sim has plenty of kids to take care of. But with the new Stay Over feature, keeping in touch with distant relatives has become a whole lot easier. Not only will they come over for a few days, but they can also help out with the kids as well. If you’re wondering how to start and end a Stay Over in Sims 4, keep reading to find out everything you need to know.
How to Start a Stay Over in Sims 4 Growing Together
Some Sims might initiate a Stay Over on their own, and if you’d like for that to happen then it’s honestly just a waiting game. There’s also no way to guarantee which Sim will ask to stay over, so it’s very much left to chance if you rely on this method.
Fortunately, if there’s a specific Sim you’d like to have around for a few days, then you can invite them over yourself. There are two different ways to start a Stay Over, and both are only available if you have Sims 4 Growing Together installed.
Planning a Stay Over Using the Calendar
One way to plan a Stay Over is by opening up the calendar. This is done by clicking on the Calendar icon in the bottom left corner of the screen.
Once you do so, you will find the option to plan a Stay Over right underneath “add event.” You can easily initiate a Stay Over by selecting which day you’d like them to come on the calendar and then clicking “Add Stay Over.”
By inviting a guest via the calendar, you will have complete control over when they will come to your house, and you can also make sure their stay won’t conflict with other events going on.

Planning a Stay Over Using the Cellphone
You can also initiate a Stay Over in Sims 4 via the Cell Phone. This is done by clicking on the cellphone icon at the bottom of the screen and then clicking on the social app. From there, you will be able to quickly start a Stay Over with any Sim that you have the contact info for.
Starting a Stay Over using the cellphone should be done only if you want to invite the person over immediately, as there is no way to schedule a time or day the Sim will arrive like you can on the calendar. Using this method will end any events you have in progress too, so make sure your Sims have a clear schedule unless you don’t mind your active events being canceled for a guest.

How to End a Stay Over in Sims 4 Growing Together
If you open the cellphone app again, it will give you the option to cancel the Stay Over but only if you’re starting a new Stay Over with another person. To completely cancel a Stay Over and not have anyone else over, it needs to be done through the calendar.
Simply open the calendar and press the trash can icon to quickly end the Stay Over. After ending this event, the guest in your household will leave immediately.

Those are all the ways you can start and end a Stay Over in Sims 4 Growing Together. To learn even more about the new features in Growing Together, such as how to change personality traits and what the addition of Keepsake Boxes means, make sure to check out the related links below.
Published: Mar 19, 2023 11:16 am