Stardew Valley is overflowing with a variety of colorful and useful resources for building the greatest Farm in Pelican Town and being able to explore all that the Valley and beyond has to offer.
One such resource is Coffee Beans, which seem like a relatively common item when it comes to farming, but they’re actually not that easy to come by. If you’re wondering how to get your hands on some, here is our handy guide for how to get and plant Coffee Beans in Stardew Valley.
How to Get Coffee Beans in Stardew Valley

Coffee Beans are not exactly native to Pelican Valley, and thus are not easy to come by. They can’t be foraged anywhere except for Dust Sprites in the Mines, though the drop rate is pretty rare at only 1%. Pierre’s General Store doesn’t sell them, nor does Joja Mart.
The only other means of obtaining Coffee Beans, and likely the easier one, is from the Traveling Cart that appears in Cindersap Forest on Fridays and Sundays each week from 6:00AM – 8:00PM. It’s a giant purple wagon adorned with lights and pulled by an eccentric-looking pig, so it’s pretty hard to miss.
Coffee Beans can potentially appear as part of the shop’s Special Stock, or otherwise in its Standard Stock during any season of the year. It’s simply a matter of chance and being sure to check each week until it appears. Thankfully Coffee Beans have an overall 25% chance of appearing among the stock, so your odds are relatively good.
When they do, if it’s part of their Special Stock the Traveling Merchant will charge 2,500g, so be sure to have some funds on hand for it. If it appears in Standard Stock, the price will be much lower at 100 -1,000g.
How to Use Coffee Beans in Stardew Valley

When you first manage to get some Coffee Beans into your inventory, ideally you’ll want to focus on planting them in a suitable environment. Outdoors, they can be planted during the Spring and Summer seasons. If you have the Greenhouse restored, you can plant them in there as well anytime of the year.
Coffee Beans take 10 days to grow fully into a plant. If you use a fertilizer like Deluxe Speed-Gro, growth time can be shortened to 7 days. Well-placed sprinkler systems make crop management in general much easier as well. Once ready for harvest, you can potentially obtain multiple beans per plant. Even better, like certain other plants, the plant will continue to produce seeds as it stays healthy (until Summer’s end outside, or indefinitely in the Greenhouse).
In terms of it being lucrative, Coffee Beans themselves are unfortunately not the most profitable resource. For example, an Iridium-level Coffee Bean sells for just 30g. If you manage to sow a decent field of Coffee plants, it can be somewhat decent enough over time, but it honestly wouldn’t qualify among our top picks for money-making crops.
Coffee Beans can also be used to make various consumable beverages, namely Coffee and the Triple-Shot Espresso. If you have a Keg or two on your property, to brew Coffee you need to place 5 of the same stack (can’t be different grades) of Coffee Beans into it. It takes 2 hours to brew, and you can then sell it for 150g a piece. You need 3 Coffees to craft a Triple Shot Espresso, which sell for 450g a piece.
Coffee Beans and Coffee also aren’t used in any Community Center Bundles, or any notable quests gifts to NPCs. It can be used to tailor a dyeable Flannel Shirt, if you’re trying to expand your wardrobe.
That concludes our guide for how to get and plant Coffee Beans in Stardew Valley. We hope you found this helpful, and let us know if you enjoy harvesting this particular item on your farm.
Be sure to check out all of our other guides for Stardew Valley, such as all chicken coop upgrades and rewards.
Published: Nov 6, 2023 06:45 pm