Strinova is a new gacha game that combines cute anime waifus (and husbandos) with TPS gameplay, which is very similar to Valorant. However, downloading the Strinova beta can be difficult if you’re outside the designated regions, so we prepared a comprehensive how-to guide. Scroll down, and let’s dive in, shall we?
How to Play Strinova Beta Outside of Japan & US
Currently, downloading the Strinova beta on the Official website is only possible if you’re from Japan or the United States. So, how do you make yourself appear as a US or JP resident online? Well, VPN, of course!
Once you’ve installed a VPN on your device or added one as a plugin to your web browser, connect to Japan or the United States, open an incognito tab, go to the Strinova website, and download the PC client. Install the launcher and then download the game files by clicking Install on the bottom right. You can then disable the VPN, as you only need it to download the launcher.
Do note that you might experience high ping if you’re joining the beta from regions that are far away from the US and JP, like Europe, as the servers for this test will be located in the US/JP.
Also, as of right now, there seems to be no way to play Strinova via Steam. Therefore, use the steps we detailed above to download and launch the game via the official launcher.
How to Get the Strinova Beta Activation Codes
You won’t need any activation (verification) codes to play the game. This notice you see in-game is just a way to prevent people from joining the game before the beta start date, which is June 19th at 9 PM (EDT). So, there is nothing you need to do but wait for the beta to start.
How to Play Strinova Beta on Android
It seems the Strinova beta on Android will only be available in China. It will be available on the BiliBili App, which you can download on your Android device. Also, to play the game, you’ll need a registered BiliBili account. You can read more about that in the official dev notice regarding the Android version.
Will Data From The Strinova Beta Carry Over?
No, the progress you make during the Strinova beta will not carry over. All data will be wiped for the official release of the game, which makes sense, as not all people are meant to get access to the beta. It would just mean that all the people from JP and the US would have an advantage from the start.
That sums up all you need to know about the Strinova Beta, how to download it, where you can play it from, and so on. We will look to cover the game as it releases, including tips & tricks, tier lists, and more. So, stay tuned to Twinfinite for all that.
Published: Jun 20, 2024 04:35 am