Fortnite has added a bunch of new Epic and Legendary Quests this week, as usual. You’ll want to complete them to finish up the battle pass, but if you’re having trouble, we can help out. Here’s how to catch fish at fishing holes in Fortnite.
How to Catch Fish at Fishing Holes in Fortnite
Getting a Fishing Rod
This Legendary Quest tasks players with catching five fish at fishing holes, but before you even attempt to catch any, you’ll need a fishing rod. Fishing rods can reliably be found in barrels near bodies of water, so the best place to go to get one is the Unremarkable Shack POI.
The Unremarkable Shack can be found at the very north of the map, on an island between Stealthy Stronghold and Craggy Cliffs. The shack is on the northwest section of the island. There’s a barrel full of fishing rods at the bottom of the shack’s tall stairs, near some tires. There are also fishing holes at this remote Fortnite POI.
Catching Fish
Once you have a fishing rod, walk around the edges of the island and look out into the water to find ripple effects that indicate fishing holes. Use the rod on any spot like that to have a chance of catching a fish or a weapon.
You can fish as many times as you’d like since the fishing rods in Fortnite don’t break or wear out with each use. The trickiest part of this quest is avoiding other players as you attempt to catch the five fish necessary.
That’s everything you need to know about how to catch fish at fishing holes in Fortnite. Be sure to check out our guide wiki for Chapter 2 Season 7 to find more tips, tricks, and other useful info.
You can also have a look a the related articles below to read up on more of our Fortnite coverage.
Published: Aug 19, 2021 10:17 am