The Mirelurk is an aggressive crab-like creature found in areas around Appalachia. If you are looking for some Mirelurk meat to roast then read on to find all Fallout 76 Mirelurk locations.
Where to Find All Mirelurk Locations in Fallout 76
Mirelurks roam around multiple locations in Appalachia, ranging from young low-HP variants to tougher high-HP variants named the Deadly Mirelurk. Mirelurks are found near water sources: rivers, streams, and lakes are their favorite hang-out spots. You can travel to the following locations to battle with some of these hard-shelled creatures:
- New River Gorge Resort
- The stream west of Summersville
- Grafton Lake through to Pioneer Scout Camp
- Ohio River Adventures
- Lake Reynolds
- Spruce Knob Lake
- Highland Marsh
- Toxic Dried Lakebed
- Sunrise Field
- Quarry X3
- Vault 94

New River Gorge Resort
There are five Mirelurks to be found here. They like to hang out in the cabins and chill by the pool. These are a mix of softshell young-uns and some adults, but none are too tough to beat – even for low-level players.
Stream West of Summersville
Visit the houses by the stream in Summersville to find around seven Mirelurks a-lurking. They are usually found inside houses but can be in the surrounding area too.
Pioneer Scout Camp
Have a pleasant walk around Grafton Damn on your way to the Pioneer Scout Camp to find Mirelurk Hunters and a handful of Mirelurks. This is an area that particularly increases its Mirelurk population during Swarm of Suitors events.
Ohio River Adventures
You will find a few Mirelurks around this area, specifically near the river and in the forest. Watch your back here. There are also raiders and other nasty creatures to look out for!
Lake Reynolds
This forsaken place is not much of a lake anymore. Look around to find four Mirelurks and Mirelurk hunters! It is best to take out other enemies before trying to defeat the Mirelurks living there.
Spruce Knob Lake
This area is full of multiple types of Mirelurk! Here you can find softshells, hardshells, a Mirelurk Queen, and a Mirelurk King. This fight is not for low-level players so be warned.
Highland Marsh
Here you can find a Mirelurk Queen, her eggs, and a few other Mirelurks to battle with. These are strong Mirelurks in this area, so go prepared with plenty of long-range ammo and explosives.
Toxic Dried Lakebed
In Toxic Valley you will find a lot of Mirelurks and a Queen. The Queen is pretty formidable, of course, but the rest aren’t too bad. This is a great place to visit if you have a Mirelurk-related challenge to complete.
Sunrise Field
This area has a huge Mirelurk family of about seven Mirelurks, eight if you include the Queen. Sunrise Field allows the Mirelurk to camouflage in the grass, so watch your back!
Quarry X3
This area has some super strong Mirelurks including a King and a Queen. Just check out the water nearby to find these creatures. Take your heaviest weapons if you want to survive this trip.
Vault 94
Inside Vault 94, in the Savage Divide region, are the most Mirelurks you will have ever seen in one place! Here you will come up against 20 regular Mirelurks, ten Mirelurk Hunters, seven Spawns, and a total of five Mirelurk Kings!

Mirelurk Fight Strategy
It is best to be prepared when it comes to fighting Mirelurks. They fight in close combat and retreat into their shells, making it difficult to get a hit in. With this in mind, try to keep your distance and aim for the head. They are also weak to explosives, so stay back and throw whatever you have to hand! There are several different types of Mirelurk, from weak Softshells to diabolical and deadly Mirelurks:
Mirelurk Type | Level | HP |
Softshell | 12 | 50 |
Regular | 12 | 50 |
Razorclaw | 18 | 75 |
Killclaw | 26 | 125 |
Bloodrage | 34 | 200 |
Stoutshell | 42 | 325 |
Glowing | 50 | 450 |
Scorched | 50 | 450 |
Strangler (Young) | 12 | 50 |
Strangler | 50 | 450 |
Venomous | 58 | 525 |
Hardshell | 66 | 600 |
Vorpalclaw | 80 | 725 |
Steelshell | 95 | 850 |
Deadly | 105 | 975 |
Once you have killed the Mirelurks you can harvest them for their meat, which can then be roasted at a stove. The meat will give an HP boost but with the risk of radiation and disease. Read on for more Fallout 76 tips and tricks, or take our ultimate Fallout trivia quiz and test your knowledge!
Published: Apr 18, 2024 3:25 PM UTC