Warzone and MW2 are currently halfway through the Haunting event and players are experiencing the night variants of the usual maps alongside all the other spooky changes. But with the sudden darkness, players have been looking toward a certain optic and asking what the best thermal sniper scope is. Let’s answer that.
Best Thermal Sniper Scope in Warzone & DMZ
Thermal scopes have always been strong, allowing you to catch an enemy that you may have not seen, constantly track opponents, and counter smoke rotations, unlike any other strategy. However, not all thermal scopes are made equal.
Some scopes like the Drexsom Prime-90 have too much visual clutter in its color palette. The purple/blue/orange combination confuses longer ranges and should generally be avoided for DMZ and Warzone’s high-range engagements. The 3X RFL-Optic suffers from a 3x scope and has such a disadvantage at any decent distance from the opponent, so it cannot be recommended. Despite being one of the longest-ranged thermal scopes, the SZ Heatsource 800 has a clunky reticule that can be frustrating to know where your shots are landing.
So which Thermal is the best?
The Templo Clear Shot is the clear winner. The 5x zoom is high enough to fight at long-range, but short enough to guarantee you won’t suffer too much for a closer engagement. It sports a small sniper glint so you aren’t giving your position away to the entire lobby and has a fairly quick ADS speed compared to other optics. The thermal itself is very revealing to any enemy in its sights and suffers the least from players running the Cold Blooded perk.
Best Thermal Sniper Scope in MW2

Opposite to Warzone, certain optics can be recommended due to the closer range, such as the Thermo-Optic X9 or the Schlager Night View. Although the 3X RFL-Optic has a lower magnification its color palette and lack of visual clarity make it a terrible scope to use.
It may or may not be a surprise but the Templo Clear Shot wins again. Even in the chaotic and small maps of Modern Warfare 2, it still performs incredibly well compared to its counterparts; especially when considering the advantages stated above.
That’s everything we have to share regarding the best Thermal Sniper Scope in Warzone and MW2. Take advantage of it so you’ll that be the hunter and not the hunted in the new nighttime variant maps. Be sure to also check out all of our other Call of Duty-related content below.
Published: Oct 23, 2023 09:28 am