With the arrival of the new Digimon TCG Xros (Cross) Encounter BT10 expansion set, there’s ton of awesome new cards to get, so we want to show you the Top 10 must-have cards. The set also introduces the new Xros and Save mechanics that really spice up the gameplay. Xros lets your play a high-level Digimon with a reduced cost by essentially instantly Digivolving them by putting the required cards from your hand and battle area underneath. Save lets you put that deleted Digimon under your tamer with the synergizing effect, instead of going to your trash.
This is an exciting time to be playing the Digimon TCG, and marks a good entry point for new players thanks to the two starter decks based on Jesmon and Ragnaloardmon. If you’re ready to get into the game, are looking for new decks to play, or trying to power up your existing decks, this list will prepare you for the next wave of Digimon.
Top 10 Cards From Digimon TCG Xros Enounter BT10, Ranked
Whether you decide to own and play these cards, you’ll have to get familiar with them ASAP because they’ll be making their way into plenty of decks. These cards all do a good job at buffing previous deck strategies while also paving the way for new deck archetypes and play styles.
10. Sakuyamon: Maid Mode BT10-041

Starting off our list, Sakuyamon: Maiden Mode lets you take advantage of Option Cards that cost 5 or less by playing them for free and cycling them for later use by putting them in your security. She’ll boost decks that play around security control and Option cards, but with Jet Sylphy recently banned, she won’t be OP. When she attacks, you can digivolve into any Sakuyamon from your hand at the fixed cost of only 1 while ignoring the requirements.
9. DarkKnightmon (X Antibody) BT10-069

When you digivolve Darkknightmon, you can bring back any black or purple Digimon to your hand from your trash, as long as it’s not Darkknightmon (X Antibody). Then, if this guy has another Darkknightmon or X Antibody card underneath him, you can delete a tamer and unsuspend this card. Finally, if he’s deleted, you can play any Darkknightmon from your trash for free. With such destructive force and the ability to reuse your cards, this guy is going to wreck shop.
8. Minervamon BT10-083

A great boon for purple, Minervamon will help Shaman/Olympus XII decks, and will pair perfectly with the upcoming BT11-086 Mervamon. She can loop an infinite Blocker with the right Digimon that fulfills her requirements, and has retaliation, ensuring that whoever attacks her also gets deleted. When she gets deleted, you can play one purple level 5 or lower character from your trash for free.
Finally, whenever your opponent plays a Digimon, you get to play one of your own for free from your trash as long as it’s level 4 or lower. All of this free play and recursion is sure to go a long way in any deck built for her.
7. Omnimon (X Antibody) BT10-086

Omnimon X is ready to enhance the decks that already use Omnimon and might convince more players to make room for him in their decks. With the X Antibody card underneath him, his digivolution cost is reduced by 2, then you can return all of your opponent’s Digimon of the same highest level to the bottom of their owner’s decks. Not only do you get to remove enemies from the board, but you also get to look through your opponent’s security and trash one of them! These effects will swing the momentum of the game heavily in your favor.
6. MetalGreymon BT10-024

This new Metalgraymon pumps up the already popular Metalgreymon decks by letting you place specified cards underneath it to reduce its cost from your hand or battle area. If he gets deleted, you can place two cards from this DigiXros’ digivolution cards back under one of your tamers. This is the Xros mechanic in full effect! He can attack the turn you play him, thanks to rush, and if you DigiXros him, three of your opponent’s Digimon with digivolution cards less than or equal to Metalgreymon’s, can’t attack or block until the end of the opponent’s turn. With this chain reaction of effects, you’ll almost completely lock your opponent out of the game.
5. Jesmon GX BT10-112

Jesmon GX is here to save the Royal Knight decks because he’s an all-around bomb. When you digivolve him, you can put a Digimon that costs 13 or less after under him and activate its effect for free. That’s a two-for-one punch that lets you build him up with an inherited effect while using another effect for free.
His power doesn’t stop there- if you have a Royal Knight underneath him in his digivolution cards, he gains the triple threat of Piercing, Blocker, and Security Attack +1 for each card underneath him. That’s one tremendous force to be reckoned with!
4. Jesmon (X Antibody) BT10-016

Jesmon (X Antibody) just barely one-ups the number 5 Jesmon on this list thanks to the fact that this Jesmon has Sistermon synergy and he can buff all your Digimon at once. When you digivolve him, you can play a Sistermon card for free, from your hand or trash. He already has Piercing, and if you have a Sistermon in play or Jesmon underneath this card, all your characters can attack all of your opponent’s unsuspended Digimon and get +2,000 DP. You’ll be able to destroy all opposing enemies and hit your opponent’s security, definitely a monumental play!
3. Bloomlordmon BT10-057

Bloomlordmon is the Mega character that mono-green Vegetation, Plant, and Fairy decks have been wanting. He promotes a strategy that’ll have your guys flooding the board and overwhelming your opponent. He’s also big, powerful, and consistent, with an effect that nets you memory by Digivolving him, which lets you suspend 1 of your Digimon, and then gaining you 1 memory for each one that’s suspended, as long as it’s a Vegetation, Plant, or Fairy type. If you gain 2 or more memory this way, you can unsuspend him and attack again with Piercing, nice!
Finally, you’re rewarded for having a bunch of suspended Digimon because for every 2 of them, Bloomlordmon gains +2,000 DP and Security Attack +1, he’s truly a force of nature!
2. Venusmon BT10-042

Venusmon gives yellow decks a super defense option that essentially gives you a free turn. On the turn you Digivolve her into play, all your opponent’s creatures gain Security Attack -1 until the end of the opponent’s turn making their attacks virtually useless unless they pump their Security damage. Additionally, she can’t be attacked by enemies who have a Security Attack skill, and enemies also can’t activate their When Attacking/Digivolving skills. Venusmon helps keep you in the game and is almost untouchable while being a high DP threat. She’s sure to give your opponents a rough time.
1. Shoutmon X4 BT10-009

Shoutmon is the poster boy for the new Xros mechanic that allows you to reduce his cost by playing the named Xros cards underneath him, making him super cheap and surprising your opponent by being able to come out of nowhere. If he’s in play with the new Taiki tamer on your battlefield, you’ll be able to replay him and attack with more Shoutmons.
But that’s not all; he also lets you draw two cards as soon as you play him netting you additional card advantage and reducing his cost. With the Xros mechanic, Save effect, and Taiki, you’ll be able to constantly loop him back into play for the victory unless your opponent has an answer.
With these cards, you can take your Digimon decks to new heights, but they also feature some fantastic-looking art that will look good in any collection. Some of these cards also have rare chase parallel art versions that come at a pretty penny but are worth it. Xros Encounter is shaping up to be a welcome expansion set for the Digimon TCG that’ll keep players hooked. Check out our other guides from this fantastic set including how to upgrade the new Jesmon ST12 and Ragnaloardmon ST13 starter decks.
Published: Oct 19, 2022 5:10 AM UTC