Iron Lad was announced last week as part of the new Series 5 cards coming during this Guardians of the Galaxy’s themed season in Marvel Snap. The Young Avenger – or the younger version of Kang the Conqueror, whatever you want to call him – has been in the game’s files for quite a while but his ability was officially confirmed by Ben Brode in the developer update video: he is an On Reveal card and will copy the ability of the top card of your deck. Another upcoming card announced is Howard the Duck, which allows you to see the top card of your deck, bringing perfect synergy to Iron Lad. While we wait for Howard to come to the game, let’s check out the current best decks for Iron Lad in Marvel Snap.
Is Iron Lad Worth Buying in Marvel Snap?
Iron Lad arrives in the shop costing 6,000 Tokens, the same price as every Series 5 card, so if you’re still in Series 3, I’d recommend saving your Tokens for cheaper cards that will help you rank up to Infinite. If you’re past Series 3 and haven’t skipped a Token Tuesday sale, keep in mind that two potential ‘big bads,’ as the community calls it, are still coming this season: High Evolutionary and Living Tribunal, both also costing 6,000 Tokens each, with game-changing abilities.
But on its own, I’d say Iron Lad is a solid card with lots of versatility, which makes him worth buying in my book. We’re talking about a 4 energy-6 power card, and if you play Zabu beforehand, he can be played on turn 3 – not many cards have that much power for such a cheap energy cost. Iron Lad will certainly shake the game in the next few days: copying Galactus on turn 3, for example, makes me think a possible Nerf could be coming very soon.
Best Iron Lad Decks in Marvel Snap
If you decide to purchase Iron Lad, here are some cube-winning decks to try out with this incredibly flexible card. From On Reveal to Ongoing, even in the Destroy archetypes, Iron Lad will keep you busy for hours thinking of new ways to use him.
Toxic Iron Lad

- Ant-Man
- Hazmat
- Luke Cage
- Zabu
- Mister Fantastic
- Super Skrull
- Wong
- Iron Lad
- Devil Dinosaur
- Klaw
- Spectrum
- Odin
I’ve given up on this classic ‘toxic’ deck because I didn’t pull Hazmat in time or Luke Cage before and it gets even worse if you don’t pull either of them. Luckily, Youtuber ItsGuestGaming shared this deck that increases its winnability. Iron Lad raises the chances of the annoyingly-fun Cage/Hazmat combo as he works as a shortcut to get both cards on the table. If you already have Luke and Hazmat in your hand, try to play Iron Land in the middle in order for him to copy and make full use of Mister Fantastic or Klaw’s abilities. If things don’t go as planned, you still have a Devil Dinosaur for turn 5 and Spectrum for turn 6 to power up all your other Ongoing cards.
Iron Casino

- Zabu
- Lockjaw
- Patriot
- Wave
- Jubilee
- Super Skrull
- Iron Lad
- White Tiger
- Abomination
- Iron Man
- Onslaught
- Doctor Doom
The key in this deck is to pull Wave as many times as you can, disrupting your opponent’s play while you get your big cards to work. Playing her on Lockjaw is always the best choice since there’s a chance of her coming back later. Iron Lad shines in this deck with multiple opportunities to copy game-changing cards, such as Lockjaw itself, Jubilee, or Iron Man. Patriot and Onslaught will help boost the no-ability cards you’ll get from White Tiger and Doctor Doom, while Super Skrull can copy your opponent’s Wong, Cosmo, or even Patriot again. Abomination is the only card that Iron Lad won’t benefit from if he copies it, but due to its 5 cost, it can be crucial during a Patriot play, and if you’re lucky, Jubilee might even bring him on the board earlier.
Iron Lad Destroy

- Nova
- Psylocke
- Wolverine
- Bucky Barnes
- Carnage
- Wave
- Venom
- Killmonger
- Iron Lad
- Nimrod
- Galactus
- Knull
Iron Lad can be surprisingly good in a destroy deck and I’ll tell you why. Of course, our perfect plan would be playing him alone in a location to copy Galactus on turn 4, but if that doesn’t happen all the time (and it won’t happen all the time) he still has great value by copying Knull or smaller cards like Wolverine or Wave. Even copying Bucky Barnes’s text can be useful for Venom on turn 5. Psylocke on turn 4 can help bring Galactus earlier too, followed by Knull on the last turn. And if you don’t pull Iron Lad at all, it’s still a great destroy deck on its own, with Wave on turn 3, followed by Galactus on turn 4, and Knull to finish off and call it a day.
We hope this helped you decide if Iron Lad is worth buying and his best decks in Marvel Snap, at least until Howard the Duck arrives. For more deck guides, like the best Stegron decks and more, check out the related posts below.
Published: May 9, 2023 2:45 AM UTC