Fortnite has changed so much over time, including the weapons available in its Battle Royale mode! Many are vaulted and unvaulted over the seasons, but every player has an old favorite. To help you pick up the best Fortnite weapons to fill your inventory after hopping off the Battle Bus, we’ve ranked 25 of the top Fortnite weapons worst to best.
Ranking the Best Fortnite Weapons
We’ve given you the sweatiest skins, best wallpaper, and some amazing creative codes for XP, and now it’s time for the best weapons in Fortnite. We’ve taken into account a weapon’s popularity and usability as a whole rather than just killing potential, though this is a more heavily weighted factor for the most part.
29. Pistol

Sadly, there isn’t much the pistol does better than other weapons in Fortnite. The only genuinely positive aspect comes from that change in Chapter 4 that made all pistols fully automatic. There’s nothing really to say about damage or usefulness, which is the reason you get to respawn with one of these in your inventory. It works in a pinch if you drop on one at the start of a match and need to fight a player nearby, but it will almost always be the first weapon dropped when you need room in your loadout.
28. Suppressed Pistol

With a marginally faster reload speed and the capability to deal fractionally more damage than its unsilenced sibling, the suppressed pistol just edges it out in our ranking. The additional bonus of it being silenced makes it far harder for opponents to work out exactly where you’re shooting them from. You’ll still need to contend with damage drop-off at a distance, which will frequently work against you. The best version of this is the Exotic-tier Shadow Tracker, which marks enemies, but it’s rarely unvaulted.
27. Minigun

The minigun sounds great in premise (and looks awesome), but it’s still down near the bottom of our list of best weapons in Fortnite. Why? Well, it takes a heck of a long time to wind up before it starts firing. If you’re in close range, you’re likely already dead before you can start landing hits on your target. At distance, its bloom makes it difficult to land hits on enemies.
As such, the minigun is relegated to tearing down structures, though it’s incredibly good at doing so. Its high fire rate, unlimited magazine size, and, as a result, non-existent reload time all factor into its suitability for a structure destroyer. However, due to your slower movement speed, you’re often better off with explosive weapons for destroying structures.
26. Hand Cannon

Ahh, the Hand Cannon. Following the vaulting of the Revolver at the beginning of Season 6, the Hand Cannon became the go-to for anyone who wants a high-powered pistol capable of dealing damage, even at range.
Its handling can be a little wonky due to the terrible fire rate, but a headshot with the legendary variant (as of Chapter 2 Remix) can deal 168 damage. However, it’s not a gun you can reliably use in a firefight, so you’re unlikely to ever see those damage numbers.
25. Guided Missile

After initially entering the game a little broken, Epic decided to vault the Guided Missile, only to bring it back later in a reworked form. More useful as a scouting tool than for dealing damage now, the Guided Missile moves at a slower speed and can only be controlled for 15 seconds before exploding.
What’s more, despite the menacing appearance, its legendary variant only deals 77 damage. Add in the fact you’re a sitting duck while guiding the missile, and this only really comes in handy during the very late stages of a game. Sadly, the last time it was seen was in Season 6, so it’s unclear if this one is ever coming back.
24. Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle

In theory, the Semi-Auto Sniper Rifle sounds great. You’ve got a magazine of 10 bullets and can unload them fairly quickly. The problem is that this convenient fire rate comes at the expense of damage when compared to other snipers. The epic variant will hit for 63 on a body shot, whereas the legendary version is only three damage higher. This is slightly evened out with a solid 2.5x headshot multiplier.
Though the semi-automatic firing mode will certainly help those who are less accurate, missing the first shot often alerts your target and results in them building. At which point, you’re left waiting for them to pop their head out to try again, so you’re better off with something that packs more punch per round. You’ll also need to factor in bullet drop with the snipers, making them a tricky weapon for beginners to get to grips with.
23. Dual Pistols

Dual Pistols are often left behind by many players in Fortnite, but they’re not quite as bad as they might initially seem. Though repping a slightly lower fire rate than the previous pistols on this list (except for the hand cannon), the larger mags and insane headshot damage of 86 on the epic variant make for some formidable close-range weapons.
Unfortunately, they don’t have the range of many weapons above them on this list, so you’ll often be facing off against SMG and shotgun users. If you’ve got a good aim, you can probably compete by aiming for headshots. Otherwise, you will be outdone in terms of sheer damage output.
22. Scoped Assault Rifle

The Scoped Assault Rifle is a bit of a love-it-or-hate-it weapon in Fortnite. That’s why it makes sense for it to sit in the middle of this list. With a large clip, little recoil, and a decent scope, it’s capable of dealing out damage from range, with headshots on the rare variant dishing out 46 damage. The epic and legendary versions only increase on this slightly at 48 and 50 damage per headshot.
You’re also hampered by the scope, which doesn’t lend itself well to close or mid-range fights. Its strength, however, comes in the near complete lack of bullet drop you get, setting it apart from the longer-range sniper rifles. There is a better alternative, but we’ll get to that later.
21. Bolt-Action Sniper

Not a whole lot needs to be said about the Bolt-Action Sniper. As previously mentioned, a headshot with the epic bolt-action dishes out up to 275 damage and body shots 110. It does take some serious time to reload, however, so you’ll want to make sure you nail your shot. Bullet drop doesn’t help with this, either, making it tough to land the shot you want. Make that shot, though, and your target will either take heavy damage or be eliminated. Winner.
20. Grenade Launcher

The grenade launcher is another weapon that takes a bit of getting used to. You’ll need to take some time learning how the grenades fly through the air and the right trajectory for the kind of shots you want to hit. However, with a DPS of 110 on the legendary version, it sits higher than the rocket launcher’s of 90.75.
What’s more, the grenade launcher is perfect for taking down structures. Whether you aim at the base of a built structure or the top as someone makes a sniper perch, you can reliably destroy all walls.
19. Thermal Scoped Assault Rifle

This is the superior scoped assault rifle we mentioned earlier. Dealing out 28 damage in a body shot and 56 in a headshot is significantly more powerful than the standard scoped AR. Its fire rate is almost half that of the scoped assault rifle, but the thermal sight makes picking out enemies from distance a breeze.
Line up the headshot on unsuspecting targets, and you can give yourself a great advantage before closing the distance (if you want to). Plus, you’ve got the bonus of a complete lack of bullet drop. Without a doubt, it is one of the best Fortnite weapons for long-range.
18. Pump Shotgun

The pump shotgun is a solid choice for any close encounters you might get into in Fortnite. Capable of dealing out an insane amount of damage in a single headshot, the pump shotgun can wipe out most players in a shot or two at most.
The downside, however, comes in its slow fire rate (0.7) and a limit of five shots per full reload. Oh, and if you’re remotely tuned in with the Fortnite community, you’ll likely know about the inconsistent damage shotguns are infamous for having from time to time in the game. You’ll be in the same boat as other shotgun users, but just watch out for SMG players. Unless you’re accurate with the pump, the SMG can tear through your health far faster.
17. Submachine Gun

That’s why we’ve placed the Submachine Gun just above the pump shotgun. Its rare variant has a DPS of 198, which puts it almost completely on par with the Compact SMG. As is the case with the shotgun, the SMG is for close-quarters combat. You don’t want to be using this in a mid-to-long-range skirmish against someone with an assault rifle. It’s going to end badly.
However, if you consider the recoil on this weapon, it can more than hold its own against the pump shotgun or even the tactical shotgun if you’re accurate enough. With the 11 fire rate and 30-round magazine, it is still a solid choice in weaponry.
16. Hunting Rifle

The hunting rifle is one of our personal favorite weapons in the game, but that doesn’t make it one of the best Fortnite weapons you can use. A single body shot deals up to 91 damage with the rare variant and roughly 228 with a headshot. Land a headshot with this, and you’ve got an instant elimination. Though it lacks the scope, don’t be fooled into thinking you can pull it out in a closer-quarters fight.
You really do have to be accurate with this, however, as it’s got one of the lowest fire rates in the game and requires reloading after every shot. With it being a ranged weapon, you will need to factor in bullet drop over distance. A weapon that takes time to get used to, but one that, once you get to grips with it, is a brutal one-hit-kill machine.
15. Tactical Shotgun

The tactical shotgun is the most forgiving of the shotguns in Fortnite, but that doesn’t make it the best. The 1.5 fire rate means you can spit shells faster than most basic shotguns in the game, giving this a distinct edge. However, its range is among the worst, so you have to keep that trade in mind.
There isn’t any reason to make this your primary weapon, but it is fully capable of saving your life if equipped as your opponents push in. You also have the benefit of visuals, as this is one of the most distinct weapons in the game. If someone sees this in your hands, they might think twice before making a direct confrontation.
14. Assault Rifle

What we have here is the jack-of-all-trades. The Assault Rifle can hold its own in both close, medium, and fairly long-range affairs. Although, at greater distances, there is damage drop-off that’ll see your shots dipping lower than is worth the ammo.
The rare variant has little recoil, and if you fire it semi-auto rather than holding down the trigger, you can easily line up headshots. The Assault Rifle is only slightly held back by its relatively low structure damage, which is noticeably worse than the Burst Assault Rifle.
13. Burst Assault Rifle

It should come as no surprise that this just tips the normal Assault Rifle on our list of best Fortnite weapons. The burst has pretty much the same stats as its full-auto compatriot, but as we previously mentioned, it deals out almost triple the structure damage. This makes it a great, ranged weapon for taking down enemy structures towards the latter stages of a game.
This comes at the cost of 3 damage per shot to human targets compared to the standard entry, but the additional stability of the burst makes it easier to land shots. When we have the chance, we’ll always opt for a burst over the regular Assault Rifle.
12. Compact SMG

Having been one of the most OP weapons when it was first introduced, the Compact SMG has now been nerfed to a more acceptable but still formidable level in Fortnite. Dealing a couple extra points of damage per shot over the rare SMG, the Compact SMG is the best choice to go for if you’re looking for a close-range alternative to the shotgun.
The Compact SMG fire rates may be marginally slower than that of the standard SMGs, but the Compact makes up for it with larger magazines (40 compared to 30) and a slight edge on structure damage. As is the case with the typically close-range weapons in Fortnite, the Compact SMG’s effectiveness quickly dwindles the further you get from your opponent. Y’know what they say, keep your enemies close and all. It’s especially true with the Compact SMG.
11. Surgefire SMG

When it comes to weapons with a neat gimmick, Chapter 6 Season 1 is truly cooking. There were two SMGs added in the newest season, but the Surgefire is the best. It has the perfect fire rate for an SMG without going crazy with it, and a destructive 40-round magazine on par with the Compact. The damage is a little light, but if you can make every shot count, it doesn’t even matter.
The Surgefire makes itself known thanks to its firing behavior. As you hold down the trigger, the crosshair bloom lessens to the point that you’re basically just firing a bullet hose. Somehow, it has lasted the entire season without the recoil being noticeably adjusted, as this SMG shouldn’t be as smooth as it is. The recoil is canceled with only the slightest bit of correction, and you’re turning enemies into Swiss cheese.
10. Rocket Launcher

Now, we’re coming up with the definitive best of the best. The rocket launcher is the best explosive weapon in Fortnite. Not only can it deal upwards of 110 damage in a single blast (as you’d expect), but the rocket launcher also has a lot of practical uses in the latter stages of a game. The legendary variant deals 330 structure damage, meaning a well-aimed shot at the bottom of a base will likely see the whole thing taken down. At the very least, it’ll be looking very unstable.
Furthermore, you can rocket ride a friend to a far-off location if you get enough practice, making the rocket launcher a traversal tool as well as a weapon. Just make sure they jump off in time. Otherwise, they’re going to end up getting downed.
The rocket launcher beats out the grenade launcher purely for ease of use. Rather than having to get used to the trajectory of the grenade launcher, the rocket launcher is a simple point-and-shoot weapon. Plus, the rapid reloading of the legendary rocket launcher means you can send a near-endless barrage of rockets in your enemy’s direction, making it incredibly hard for them to land a shot on you, as they’re constantly on the defensive.
9. Fury Assault Rifle

Of the two assault rifles added in Chapter 6 Season 1, the Fury is definitely the better option. It boasts better DPS and a larger magazine than its counterpart. As far as the newest assault rifles go, the Fury is probably at the top, but is slightly hampered by Fortnite discontinuing mods for the time being.
Outfitting this gun with a sight or even five more rounds in the magazine would make it just about unstoppable. The best thing it has over the Holo Twister is the fire rate. A lower fire rate makes for a more accurate weapon, so much so that you don’t even notice that it is a couple of points lower in damage.
8. Double Barrel Shotgun

If you’re looking for a close-range weapon, this is one of the very best Fortnite weapons you can get. Enemies are as good as dead if you get right up close to them, as this can deal out 240 damage in just two shots. There’s no need for accuracy or aiming for the head with this, either. Body shots are all you need to go for. We suggest getting as close to your opponent as possible when using this weapon for the best results.
Keep in mind, however, that the double-barrel shotgun is dreadful at any sort of range that isn’t dead in front of you. Still, for those manic, incredibly close affairs, there is no better weapon for the job in Fortnite than the double-barrel shotgun.
7. Heavy Sniper

The heavy sniper is a long-range elimination machine. With almost no bullet drop, the heavy sniper is the easiest of the long-range weapons to get to grips with. Plus, the fact it dishes out headshot damage nearly twice as much as what’s possible for any player to have in the game, they’re an instant bye-bye if you connect the shot. Even without a headshot, a body shot will leave them with less than half health, making them far easier to finish off at mid-to-close range.
Sure, it takes some time to reload, and you won’t want to use the heavy sniper in any close-range affairs. However, if you save an inventory slot for a ranged weapon, this should be your first choice. To make things even better, the heavy sniper does a ridiculous amount of structure damage. Though, it used to be much higher. Before a Chapter 4 Season 2 nerf, it used to be able to one-shot any structure.
6. Railgun

With the reintroduction of hitscan in Chapter 6 Season 1, the Railgun once again shines. With the steady aim and big damage, there isn’t a better sniper rifle out there when this is an option. If you have the range to keep your aim on an enemy head, then headshots are a foregone conclusion. The worst variant of the Railgun, rare, still hits for 85. A headshot is a guaranteed 2x damage, so if you hit a fully armored/healed-up enemy, you’re doing a smashing 170. The legendary hits for 95 on body and 195 on headshots.
As you might figure from some of the other top-ranked weapons, there is a noticeable issue with a gun that looks this good on paper. It’s not even the charge time, as that’s pretty manageable, especially if your target is otherwise engaged in a firefight. No, the biggest downside to the Railgun is the visible laser that will give you away to anyone in the surrounding area. If you’re using this in the last few circles of a match, make sure you have an escape plan ready for when you inevitably get noticed.
5. Suppressed Assault Rifle

When it is let out of the vault, the Suppressed Assault Rifle is perfect for those looking for a little more precision in their high-end AR. With some trigger discipline, the Suppressed Assault Rifle offers an exceptional level of accuracy and little recoil. Hold that trigger finger down, and things will get a bit trickier to control, but it’s still a cut above most weapons in the game.
It doesn’t quite pack the punch of the Scar (legendary assault rifle), with its base and headshot damage numbers falling a few points behind, but the silencer on the end makes it trickier for opponents to pinpoint your location. Its DPS is higher than that of the burst assault, though you won’t get anywhere near the same structure damage at only 33 on the legendary suppressed assault rifle. Still, as far as Fortnite weapons go, this is a lethal weapon in most combat scenarios. As always, however, keep in mind that damage drops off noticeably if you’re trying to pick off enemies from afar.
4. Heavy Shotgun

The godfather of the shotgun and close-range weapons in Fortnite. The legendary Heavy Shotgun offers almost all of the explosive damage of the other shotguns but with a significantly improved range. While a headshot will most likely annihilate an enemy player, its base damage of 83 is no slouch either. Its fire rate sits somewhere between the pump and tactical variants, too, meaning it’s a little more forgiving if you’re not 100% accurate with your shots.
The Heavy Shotgun’s additional range also makes it perfect for those mid-close range battles you’ll likely find yourself in. It may not be able to compete with our top pick at greater distances, but anything close-quarters belongs to the Heavy Shotgun.
3. Twinfire Auto Shotgun

Though it won’t ever reach the heights of the Drum Shotgun, it is still a solid shotgun worthy of the third spot on our list. It’s more reliable than the Heavy Shotgun, and the 1.9 fire rate gives you a solid output of damage in any situation. However, it’s not something you can reliably use without a healthy bank of ammo. The Twinfire, true to its name, fires two shells per shot.
While this isn’t a huge drawback on the overall scope of a battle royale match, it does mean that if you land on this and immediately get into a fight, you’re likely to run out of ammo. Fortunately, the decent range (for a shotgun) will help you come out on top so you can live to hoard shells. Even with all that in mind, this shotgun should still always have a place in your inventory.

If you didn’t see this coming, we’d be surprised. The legendary assault rifle, commonly referred to as the Scar, is without a doubt worthy of the number two spot. Simply put, it’s an outstanding performer regardless of the situation you find yourself in. Dealing 30 damage in a single body shot, the Scar makes rinsing an opponent’s health and shield a breeze. There’s almost no recoil. You’re looking at decent structure damage, especially if you’re willing to waste a magazine to destroy enemy buildings.
Thanks to its damage-dealing capabilities, the Scar can hold its own in mid-close range affairs. Those with trigger discipline can also single-fire the Scar with remarkable accuracy, allowing you to drop players from upwards of 100 meters for those with a really keen eye.
1. Drum Shotgun

This is the undisputed best gun in the game, which shouldn’t be all that surprising. This monstrosity of fire rate, damage, and range was a good find when it was added in Season 9, but it was godly in Chapter 3 Season 2. It was the gun to have that season and is directly responsible for just about every victory royale. This was because Epic Games decided to buff it (only to nerf it in a later update) and give it new rarities.
There’s nothing like completely demolishing somebody with an automatic shotgun that does way more damage than it feels like it should. Even after the nerfs, it’s still an absolute beast and dominates whenever it gets unvaulted. It usually gets re-vaulted in the following update, clearly because it is just that good.
That does it for our list of the best Fortnite weapons in the game! Now you’re ready for that battle royale mayhem. Let us know your favorites down below!
Published: Feb 6, 2025 7:31 PM UTC