Battlefield 1: Best Weapons for Each Class Guide

So many choices.

Best Weapons For Each Class in Battlefield 1

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Battlefield 1 has four different classes to choose from in multiplayer, each with their own perks and equipment. There’s a ton of different guns and weapons to choose from, and it can be tough to pick which one is going to be the best for you. Of course, some of it will come down to personal preference, but we’ll give you a few quick tips on what type of guns tend to work best for each class, and some specific weapons choices as well.

Best Weapons for Assault – The assault class is the up close and personal soldier, storming capture points with heavy hitting weapons and causing as much damage as possible. For this purpose, the class has access to submachine guns and shotguns as their primary weapons. A great tactic to employ as assault is to equip yourself with gas grenades, and a shotgun, so you can run right into battle. If you have access to the Hellfighter shotgun by either pre-ordering the game or buying the Early Enlister Edition, it’s a good choice with some powerful reach and range.

Otherwise the M97 Trench Backbored is a great alternative, as it has some great accuracy for a shotgun. Of course if you’d prefer to go the submachine gun route, the Automatico M19 is a good choice. Like the other weapons, it has a few variations, but generally they each post a pretty hefty magazine and good hip fire accuracy.

Best Weapons for Medic – The Medic’s primary goal is of course to heal and revive allies, so that should almost always be your priority when playing this class. You’ll also have access to some pretty powerful rifles and pistols to protect yourself though. As a Medic, it’d generally be a good idea to either have an explosive grenade or smoke grenade equipped. The explosive can stop a group of attacking enemies or help push an assault for your team, while the smoke might be used to cover your retreat from a bad situation.

In terms of guns, you’ll definitely want a semi-automatic rifle equipped. As Medics are often right up in the heat of action, you’ll want something to get you out of a pinch. The Selbstlader M1916 is a clear choice here, as it has a great rate of fire, combined with stability and range.

Best Weapons for Support – The Engineer’s primary role, beside restocking allies, should be to either fix their team’s tanks and vehicles or take down the enemies. Equipping a repair tool and items to restock your teammates’ ammo can make you a vital asset, while equipping anti-tank grenades and landmines can make you a destructive force. Keep in mind, however, that Support only has access to light machine guns, so they aren’t the best for holding off hordes of enemy soldiers.

For a gun, you’ll want something that has suppressive power, decent range, and a deep magazine. Support actually has some of its best weapons available from the get go with the M1909 Benet Mercie. It’s got some range to it and an easy sight to use. The Lewis Gun Low Weight is another good alternative, with its extended magazine and overwhelming suppresssive power.

Best Weapons for Scout – The Scout classes’ role is exactly as it sounds, playing recon, spotting enemies, and taking them out from a distance. Sniper rifles are their primary tool, but there’s quite a few tricks the class can use as well. One of the equippable items is actually a decoy head used to trick other players out of your position. You can also throw flares to help spot enemies locations, on top of just spotting them the normal way.

For guns, your choice should really depend on what role you want to play – do you want to be mid-range sniper or blast enemies from huge distances? For a mid range rifle you’re pretty well off choosing the Russian 1895. The biggest perk with this gun is the wide range the rifle’s scope has, letting you spot enemies better than most other guns do. It also of course packs a decent punch. If you really want a deadly sniper rifle however, go with the Gewehr 98. You’ll definitely need to use it from long ranges for the best accuracy, but this gun can effectively kill enemies in one shot if you use it correctly.


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Image of Hayes Madsen
Hayes Madsen
A connoisseur of all things RPG related, and always looking for the artistic expression in gaming. His love of Gundam is only matched by his love of Pizza. Playing Games Since: 1991 Favorite Genres: RPGs, JRPGs, Strategy,