Remnant 2 The Dark Horizons DLC comes with a total of seven new mega weapons for you to unlock and equip. As always, getting your hands on them is not a straightforward task, so here is a list of all DLC weapons in Remnant 2 The Dark Horizon and how to find them.
All Remnant 2 The Dark Horizon DLC Weapons
Black Greatsword

A giant black greatsword that very much resembles iconic dark greatswords from media like Cloud’s Buster Sword from Final Fantasy or Guts’ Black Greatsword from Berserk. It has a very cool charge attack where you enter an attacking stance and build pressure around you for a devastating blow.
How to Find
One of the easier weapons to get as all you need is just some money. Head over to Bravis in Ward 13 and you need to purchase every weapon from his inventory. Then exhaust all of his dialogue after which he will hand you over a new item, Black Metal Bars. Take the newly acquired item to McCabe and hand over the item to her. Now travel away and come back to get your new Black Greatsword.
Weapon Mod
The Black Greatsword comes with the Mod
- Indomitable Strike: Makes your charged attacks Indomitable, while charging you can not get staggered and you have 15% damage reduction. The Charging damage increases to a maximum of 350%. It comes with an empty Mutator Slot.

A dangerous and very powerful weapon that can charge up powerful beam attacks and even charge up a powerful black hole. Be warned that charging it for too long will result in your death as it drops a Black Hole at your feet.
How to Find
For the Monorail, you need to the boss Alepsis Taura, which rewards you with the Eternity Chamber boss item. Go to Ava at Ward 13 to craft and get the weapon.
Weapon Mod
The Monorail comes with the Mod
- Recoil Dampener: Activation stabilizes Monorail, increasing charge speed by 25% and reducing recoil and sway by 75%. Last 20 seconds. For each 5% of the charge meter filled upon firing, 1% of the critical chance and critical damage are gained—Max 20.
Harvester Scythe

The Harvester Scythe is easily one of the coolest new weapon additions to Remnant 2, and this phantom blade is the signature weapon of the new Warden Archetype. Finding it can be a bit tricky but it’s a very flashy weapon to have for melee builds. The weapon builds up attack speed and damage the more you attack with it leading to a flurry of deadly blows.
How to Find
You can find the Harvester Scythe by entering a cave under a cliff after the Glider Pad located to the north of the Propagation Field checkpoint in the Agronomy Sector. Avoid the air vents and glide over the river while looking for the opening on the cliffside. Enter and make your way through the cave to find the Harvester Scythe on a corpse.
Weapon Mod
The Harvester Sythe comes with the skill Phantom Blade:
- Phantom Blade: Charged melee attacks leave a phantom that trails behind the weapon, dealing 35% of weapon damage. Each hit of Phantom Blade increases melee attack speed and melee charge speed by 6% for 5s max 5 stacks.

Yes, this bow is absolutely a reference to the Sega Genesis and features 32x Blast Processing. This Bow isn’t just flashy for show, as it generates powerful energy bolts and can fire multiple shots at once. The mod allows these projectiles to become seeking projectiles and deal damage twice.
How to Find
The Genesis is a reward from a Glyph Door with a time travel puzzle that requires you to change your system time by an hour in the Withered Necropolis. Located opposite to the air vent you take to reach the Warden archetype item.
Weapon Mod
The Genesis comes with the weapon mod Mega Drive:
- Mega Drive: Activate while a valid target is in sight, marking it with quantum Entanglement. All Genesis projectiles seek the Entanglement targets after the initial impact. Dealing 50% of primary fire damage. While active. Reactivating can switch Entanglement target for 15 seconds

How to Find
For the Redeemer, you have to complete Sparky’s Questline first in N’Erud and then meet him in Ward 13 and collect all sorts of alien materials for him.
Weapon Mod
The Redeemer comes with the weapon skill Aftermath:
- Aftermath: On Relic Use, Redeemer stores the wielder’s equipped Relic effect within the weapon as a launchable payload. Upon firing, the payload bursts across 4m when contacting a human ally, or lays dormant up to 15s until an ally gets close. Max 1 stored Relic which cannot be modified.
Dark Matter Gauntlets

If you’re not a believer in melee weapons in Remnant 2, these new DLC gauntlets might just be the thing to change your mind. The Dark Matter gauntlets let you punch with the explosive force of dying stars as you launch black hole attacks with your fists. If that’s not cool enough, you can even fire a dark matter energy laser with the charged mod.
How to Find
The Dark Matter Gauntlets can be crafted using the boss item drop from Alepsis Taura and handing it to Ava McCabe at Ward 13.
Weapon Mod
- Kilonova: Charged Melee empowers the Gauntlets for 15s, increasing Standard at Melee Damage by 25% and causing Charged Melee Attacks to release 8m penetrating blasts. Each blast reduces the duration.
- While empowered, performing a Charged Melee Attack during a Neutral Backdash gathers power for up to 5s, then fires a DARKNESS BEAM that deals 125 Melee Damage every 0.5s. The beam duration equals its time charged, then ends Kilonova after firing.
Repair Gun

One of the most unique weapons in the game and a must-have despite being a support tool. The Repair tool is a weapon that heals allies you aim it towards. It fires a healing laser toward allies and deals damage to enemies. If you have a back-row support type built into your party, arm it with the Repair Tool.
How to Find
Repair Tool can be obtained as the starting equipment after unlocking the Warden Archetype
Weapon Mod
Fires a stream of nanomachines, dealing damage to enemies or healing allies for
3.15% of their Max Health per second. The nano-tech Turrets and Drones.
This concludes our list of all the new DLC weapons in Remnant 2 The Dark Horizon. For more guides, check out how to complete the Prototype Robot Parts Quest and unlock the Warden Archetype.
Published: Sep 26, 2024 07:01 am