Since exploding in popularity a few years ago, Wordle has been acquired and operated by the New York Times. It still throws up the same daily puzzle though, challenging players to guess an arbitrary five letter word in six guesses. Sometimes that’s a lot harder than it sounds though – which is where we can help. Here’s every five letter word ending with ‘K’ that Wordle will accept.
All 5 Letter Words Ending with K
As you can imagine with such a simple letter combination, there’s a huge amount of letters it could be. These words will all be accepted by Wordle, meaning they could be the mystery word to solve the day’s game. They’ll also take up a guess, so enter them wisely.
- aback
- acock
- aimak
- alack
- amuck
- apeak
- apeek
- batik
- baulk
- black
- blank
- bleak
- blink
- block
- borak
- brank
- break
- brick
- brink
- brisk
- brock
- brook
- brusk
- caulk
- chalk
- chank
- chark
- check
- cheek
- chick
- chink
- chirk
- chock
- chook
- chuck
- chunk
- clack
- clank
- cleek
- clerk
- click
- clink
- cloak
- clock
- clonk
- cluck
- clunk
- crack
- crank
- creak
- creek
- crick
- croak
- crock
- cronk
- crook
- cruck
- crunk
- drank
- dreck
- drink
- drouk
- drunk
- farik
- flack
- flank
- flask
- fleck
- fleek
- flick
- flock
- flunk
- frack
- frank
- freak
- frisk
- frock
- gleek
- gopak
- hacek
- haick
- hopak
- kaiak
- kamik
- kapok
- kayak
- kelek
- kiosk
- klick
- kluck
- knack
- knock
- knuck
- konak
- kopek
- kulak
- kyack
- manak
- mujik
- plack
- plank
- plink
- plonk
- pluck
- plunk
- prank
- prink
- pulik
- quack
- quark
- quick
- quirk
- reink
- sculk
- shack
- shank
- shark
- sheik
- shirk
- shock
- shook
- shtik
- shuck
- skink
- skrik
- skulk
- skunk
- slack
- slank
- sleek
- slick
- slink
- slunk
- smack
- smirk
- smock
- snack
- snark
- sneak
- sneck
- snick
- snoek
- snook
- snuck
- spank
- spark
- speak
- speck
- spick
- spook
- spunk
- stack
- stalk
- stank
- stark
- steak
- steek
- stick
- stink
- stirk
- stock
- stook
- stork
- stuck
- stunk
- swank
- swink
- swonk
- taluk
- tarok
- thank
- thick
- think
- thunk
- tilak
- torsk
- track
- traik
- trank
- trick
- truck
- trunk
- tweak
- twerk
- umiak
- whack
- whelk
- whisk
- wrack
- wreak
- wreck
- wrick
- yapok
- yarak
When you find a word you want to try, enter it with the on-screen keyboard and then tap ‘Enter’ in the bottom left-hand corner of the screen. Wordle’s color coded feedback system is the best way to narrow down such a tricky list. A green tile is perfectly placed, a yellow tile needs to shift to be correct and a grey tile can be ignored for the day.
If you’re still struggling, check out our daily Wordle answer guide that’s sure to keep your streak going if all else has failed.
That’s all the words ending with K it could be in Wordle! If you want more daily puzzles, whether based in geography, maths or word unscrambling, check out our guides for Globle, Digits and Jumble, respectively.
Published: Apr 21, 2023 04:00 am