With 37 heroes to choose from in Overwatch 2, it can be challenging to determine which ones are better or stand above the rest of the pack when selecting someone in Quick Play or Competitive Matches. Don’t worry; we’ve got you covered with where each character is currently sitting compared to others. Here’s a complete ranking of all Overwatch 2 characters from worst to best as of Season 5.
Every Overwatch 2 Character, Ranked
In Overwatch 2, there are three roles to choose from; Tanks, DPS, and Support. Tanks are responsible for absorbing damage, taking and holding space, and protecting their team. DPS can apply pressure and secure picks for their team, deal serious damage, and blast through shields and barriers. Lastly, it’s the Support’s job to provide their team with healing and damage reduction, use their utility-based kits to increase survivability, put the enemy in vulnerable positions, enable their team with perks, and sometimes help secure picks and finish fights.
D Tier
D-Tier characters often struggle to fit into team compositions, have significant weaknesses and counters due to the current state of their abilities, and may currently underperform as a result of nerfs, bugs, or needing significant balance changes to be playable. These niche picks may work in rare circumstances, but playing these Heroes will often feel like an uphill battle.

Even after receiving a healing buff to balance out his devastating nerfs Roadhog is a huge struggle pick in Season 5. As Roadhog is no longer seen flanking around to secure one-shot Hook combos, he relies heavily on either getting into close combat fights or using his Hook to isolate targets and pull them in for his team to secure a pick. However, Roadhog often struggles to do this due to a very brawl-heavy meta, meaning his large hitbox essentially becomes a giant walking Ult Battery for the enemy team. Honestly, the better this poor lad receives his full rework, the better.

As a hero, Doomfist can benefit the team if you can get rolling by disrupting the enemy team and securing picks. However, he doesn’t do anything else to protect or provide for his team, so if you’re struggling to get picks as Doomfist and lead team brawls or being heavily countered, you might be better off switching to another Tank that your team can play around.
Unfortunately, as of Season 5, Doomfist is full of bugs and issues that affect his gameplay, making him much more of a nuisance to play than usual. More than fifty different bugs have been identified regarding Doomfist and his kit, summarized in an online document maintained by one of the most notable players, GetQuakedOn, and a determined bug hunter, Cream. Here’s hoping the leader of Talon gets some much-needed fixes soon!
C Tier
C-Tier characters are still entirely playable and may be viable in some specific lineups and maps. However, these picks are currently underperforming in contrast to the other characters’ roles and may be pretty challenging to play effectively.

In recent Overwatch 2 Seasons, Junkrat has been much less effective in 1v1 situations and brawls. As this is where Junk should arguably shine the most, he has been a much less viable DPS pick overall. He can still be capable when a strong shield break character is needed or to increase pressure by spamming tricky choke points. Rip-Tyre can be quite strong, but Junkrat is also quite easily countered, so if you’re struggling to find value with him, it’s best to switch rather than play him entirely for his Ultimate.

Genji can be great in Dive team compositions and is good at getting in there and picking off squishes. However, he’s easily countered by a few Heroes and struggles to challenge several others on the roster. In Season 5, Genji is far too situational, especially with the combination of abilities such as Immortality Field, Cleanse, Transcendence, and Life Grip, all increasing the potential of shutting him down from securing picks; getting value can often feel like an uphill battle.
Your best bet for finding value in this cyborg ninja is co-ordinating dedicated dive attacks with a Winston, Sombra, Tracer, or other suitable Hero and making sure to bait out any potentially devastating abilities before committing to a solo dive or Dragonblade.

Bastion is another character who can be very situational in Season 5. On the one hand, he can be great for mowing down shields or beefy characters, especially Tanks such as Ramattra, Junker Queen, and Doomfist. Despite this, Bastion is quite easily countered and can struggle immensely when attempting to go up against one or more of these several counter-picks, so it’s wise to have another DPS up your sleeve that you can switch to.

Lifeweaver is the latest Support hero in Overwatch 2, making his debut last Season 4. While he emerged with a unique set of hero abilities and established himself as a pretty technical character, he’s already seen multiple balance changes and buffs to his kit due to underperforming. Unfortunately, even with his most recent damage increase, Lifeweaver feels like an odd addition to many team compositions. He struggles immensely against a sizable roster section, especially in critical 1v1 scenarios.
Because of this, communication and positioning are key for Lifeweaver, and if you struggle with either of these, you may have more trouble than results with him as a pick. Lifeweaver is quite tricky to play at a strong level, so before you head on into Competitive matches, you’ll need to make sure you’ve spent some time learning his cooldowns and capabilities inside out. His most significant strength is his Life Grip, so make sure your decision-making regarding this ability is on point. Otherwise, you may find yourself providing more of a nuisance role rather than support to your team.

Reaper has encountered quite a significant falloff when operating as a viable pick in the current state of Overwatch 2. While Cassidy’s buffs caused indirect nerfs to a large amount of the roster, Reaper is one of the Heroes who has suffered the most from this. Reaper relies heavily on using his Wraith and Shadowstep to emerge behind enemy lines and secure close-range kills.
However, Cassidy’s new Magnetic Grenade blocks all movement abilities, meaning that if you let yourself get stuck as Reaper, you’ll pretty much be left without an escape for the enemy to dive on and secure a free kill. This feels quite brutal to have to deal with, as the favor towards Brawl Tanks means it’s already hard to get in and out unscathed – with the addition of Cassidy’s Hinder, it’s pretty much a death sentence.
Of course, there are still circumstances in which Reaper can synergize well with his team and provide excellent value. After all, he’s still the best Winston Counter in the game, but it’s wise to avoid playing him into Cassidy and other heroes that hinder Reaper’s abilities with such aggression.
B Tier
B-Tier characters are still situational but much more reliable than C-Tier picks. The main problem with B-Tier characters is not a lack of utility in their kit or weakness but more the fact that they struggle heavily when counter-picked or being played on an unfavorable map.

Due to the nerfs and buffs to other Heroes on the roster, Sombra has recently become quite viable in many team comps. While she requires quite a specific playstyle revolving around quick-thinking, target prioritization, Ultimate and ability tracking, and team communication, if you’re able to utilize her to her full potential, Sombra can single-handedly set the pace for every team fight by disrupting with her Hack ability, denying access to Health Packs for the enemy, and sneaking into their backline to secure steady picks.
Sombra’s EMP also has the potential to shut down a vast number of otherwise devastating Ults, such as Rampage, Terra Surge, Amplification Matrix, Blizzard, and more. However, Sombra also struggles due to Cassidy’s Hinder ability, which blocks the use of her Translocator for the duration of the stick, so you’ll need to be selective about when and where you choose to play her.

Moira received a nice little buff last Season 4 that allows her to Fade using her Ultimate ability, Coalescence. This significantly improves Moira’s survivability while using the Ult, making it much more effective in a team fight. Moira is a great healer who can pump a lot of life back into her teammates when grouped up, especially in close-knit quarters like narrow corridors or hallway chokepoints.
Unfortunately, compared to other Supports, such as Kiriko or Zenyatta, Moira falls flat regarding the utility she provides her team. When the other Supports have such potential due to abilities such as Cleanse, Anti-Nade, Discord Orb, Life Grip, Speed Boost, and Damage Boost, on top of having the potential to chip in with heals and damage, Moira can only damage or heal, which can sometimes feel quite underwhelming in comparison.

After being ridiculously strong in the early days of Overwatch 2, Zarya has fallen a bit but is by no means incredibly weak. Instead, her kit has the potential to be very sturdy and provide a lot of value for her team when she works with others to use her Bubbles and set up plays. Zarya requires quite a bit of coordination and team synergy to maintain high Energy and make a strong presence in team fights, so if you’re not charging up a lot and struggling to help pick off the enemy or build Graviton Surge, having a secondary Tank ready to go is always a good idea.

Pharah is quite similar to Echo in terms of being a flying Hero with the potential to deal a lot of damage, thanks to her Rockets. Pharah is much less technical than Echo and can be easy to control and find value in, especially with a Damage Boost from a Mercy Pocket. With the addition of a dedicated Mercy blue beam, it’s almost enough to push Pharah right into A tier. Still, on her own, she remains a solid B-Tier pick who will be viable in some situations and maps and much less so in others.
While Pharah has the potential to do a lot of damage, especially against squishes, she also runs into the hurdle of the hitscans dominating the DPS ranks in Season 5. On top of this, Pharah is very easy to kill during her Ultimate, so you’ll need to mind your positioning and switch Heroes if hitscan DPS are shutting you down.

Winston can be a great dive Tank when you have a compatible team composition to follow him up and secure picks, and he can play quite aggressively with his bubble. However, Winston can be hard to get value from if the rest of your team composition doesn’t work well with Dive Heroes or you’re not working as a team. He has quite a lackluster damage output, with many healers being able to simply out-heal his damage, meaning another Dive Tank, such as D.Va, may be a better pick for the same approach, depending on the situation.

Mei can be strong in brawl team compositions, especially if you can utilize her ice wall to separate the enemy team and secure picks. Mei works efficiently in close-range and can slow opponents with her primary fire for your allies to target, but unfortunately, she previously struggled in many matchups and couldn’t do much from long range.
Due to buffs at the end of Season 4, Mei has entered Season 5 with even better footing, carrying increased damage potential in her primary fire at a reduced slow rate. This means it’s much easier to secure picks on the enemy yourself after walling them off from their allies, granting Mei a more threatening presence on the field, especially against the Brawl Tank meta that relies on fighting in close quarters.

Widowmaker was previously very strong on a number of maps and had the potential to be entirely oppressive in the right hands. Unfortunately for the mains of the purple-toned sniper, she received some major nerfs for Season 5, eliminating her ability to perform one-shot headshots from extended range, even with the use of a Mercy pocket.
To get consistent value from Widowmaker, you needed to prioritize good positioning and rotation alongside your aim to avoid divers and being out-sniped. Now with her damage falloff forcing her out from the safety of long-range, it feels much more tricky to provide consistent value for your team unless you’re some crazy aggressive, multi-range sniper god such as Kenzo. If you’re looking to utilize a sniper, there are other choices that currently feel a tad more reliable than the cold Talon sniper.

Torbjorn is quite a solid character as of Season 5 and can be a helpful addition to many team compositions. Torb is generally competent on most maps and is excellent for helping shut down fliers like Echo and Pharah or divers such as Genji and Tracer. Furthermore, his primary and secondary fire enables him to play from multiple ranges, making him versatile to different situations and Hero matchups.
Torb’s Turret received a bit of a nerf this season, but higher numbers were put into his primary and secondary kits to help even this out. As a result, Torb now automatically reloads some of his ammo upon Overload, meaning there’s no downtime between casting the ability and shooting his projectiles. This helps Torb feel quite well-balanced without feeling oppressive, and despite having damage reduction, his Turret maintains a nuisance for flankers, divers, and fliers to deal with getting out of the way, making Torb a decent all-rounder Hero.
Wrecking Ball

Wrecking Ball takes a lot of practice to get used to, but once you’re efficient with this little hamster, he can be quite a nuisance for the enemy to deal with. This hamster can boop the enemy out of position for your team to pick off, slam into them, and secure picks, as well as utilize his Minefield to tactically seal off areas, chew downtime in close matches, and force the enemy into taking alternate, unideal pathing. Even though the Dive meta is currently out of the limelight, Hammond has very decent survivability and can still make a solid asset to the team.
Thanks to a small buff this Season 5, he can now reload his quad cannons slightly faster when outside of Ball Mode, slightly helping his survivability. While he can be great fun to learn and play, he also has a large hitbox that can be easily focused and a role that can be denied by the likes of Orisa, Sombra, Junker Queen, Cassidy, and more. If you’re struggling to zip around the map and set up kills for your team with Piledriver and Grapple, then perhaps you’ll be better off utilizing another Tank.

Mercy received more changes last Season 4, which has since helped to balance her out after numerous Seasons of buffs and nerfs. Mercy’s self-sustain is very good thanks to the combination of the Support passive plus her boost when healing an ally. She also does a brilliant job at enabling her team, notably DPS Heroes, with her Damage Boost ability, and has excellent movement with her Guardian Angel.
In Season 5, Mercy fits into most team comps and can easily provide value to her team; you’ll just need to mind your positioning against those with threatening aims. Also, if you find you’re not getting value out of her Damage Boost, then that’s a large chunk of her kit gone. In this case, it may be smart to switch to another Support with Abilities that will synchronize with more than one ally at once
A Tier
A-Tier Heroes are solid in Season 5 and are generally viable picks for most maps and team compositions. A Tier Heroes can still be outplayed and countered but are pretty well-rounded and tend not to have any overwhelming weaknesses or significant drawbacks compared to other Heroes in the same role. If you can learn the basics of these heroes and how they work, you should be able to get value from their kit in most circumstances.

Symmetra can be great for securing Control Points and holding space with her Sentry Turrets and can deal serious poke damage if you can maintain steady aim with her projectiles. After receiving a buff to her kit this Season 5, Sym’s turret now provides Walls on targets they are damaging, which can be extremely useful in identifying flankers or pinpointing targets for a final kill.
Furthermore, Sym can also regen her Shield HP by damaging barriers, which gives her a lot more survivability in close-range fights. With her current status, she can survive a 1v1 against Reinhardt quite successfully from charging off his Shield, making her an effective Tank buster. However, Symmetra also tends to struggle on a lot of maps in Overwatch 2 and can be countered by those who can quickly shut down her turrets and out-damage her beam through burst fire. Because of this, it’s essential to have a backup Hero for when you’re not getting value from her kit.

Echo is very technical, which makes her quite tricky to learn and master. She’s a strong flying Hero who can deal burst damage with her Sticky Bombs and finish off enemies with her Focus Beam to provide a devastating force for enemies to encounter. Her Ultimate, Copy, can also quickly turn a team fight when you copy a crucial character and build their Ult. However, if you select the wrong copy target, you may find yourself struggling to get value in the limited timeframe of the ability.
While Echo has the potential to be strong, she can also run into the hurdle of going up against hitscan-dominated team compositions, making running her into frequent picks like Soldier, Cassidy, and Ashe quite challenging at times.

Baptiste is a great all-round healer with a strong kit, providing his team with the assistance of healing through his Splash Grenades and Regen Burst, dealing damage with his gun, being able to save allies from death with Immortality Field, and boosting damage and healing output with Amplification Matrix. Bap can shoot and heal simultaneously, making him effective once you learn his tempos; he just may sometimes struggle if the team plays apart or is too far away from him.

Hanzo has excellent potential as a ranged Hero in Season 5, thanks to him being the only Hero with the ability to secure picks with one-shot headshot kills on targets under 200 HP. This effectively makes Hanzo the only character capable of dealing one-shot kills from long-range, giving him tremendous potential in a wide variety of maps and team compositions.
His kit can be quite helpful with using Sonar Arrow to scout out enemies for your team and Storm Arrow to help chip away at shields and Tanks and finish off squishes. The only inconsistent part of Hanzo’s kit is his Ultimate, Dragonstrike, considered one of the weaker Ults in the game due to being quite hit-or-miss.

Orisa’s abilities provide a lot of assets to her team and make her a viable pick in several situations. Fortify can allow her to make an aggressive push or let her get defensive and hold space; her Javelin throw can be used to push back and stun opponents, interrupting abilities and Ultimates, and her Twirl can be used to deny space, push enemies back, and absorb damage.
In a lot of circumstances, you can use the map to your advantage to provide cover and help force close-range combats through enclosed areas and choke points; you’ll just need to be careful not to let the enemy bait out all of your cooldowns or allow yourself to get out of position. Now that Fortify has had a buff, providing Orisa with a ten percent additional damage reduction, she’s even more beefy and capable of fighting back again crowd control. As a result, she is a very solid choice for Season 5 gameplay.

Though he received nerfs at the beginning of Season 4, with a chunk of his Base HP and Armor being removed, Rein has since been buffed again in Season 5, gaining an additional 200 Shields to his barrier. As he stands this season, Rein is still very strong and capable of working on many maps, with the potential to be overwhelmingly powerful when played in his most favorable locations. This extra barrier HP helps to give him that slight edge in survivability, engaging and defending his team with more success.
Rein is great at providing defense to his team with his shield and thrives in close-quarters brawls using his Hammer swings and Charge. With Rein leading the way, you can take and hold space to give your allies room to get picks and initiate big fights, particularly with a Brawl or Rush comp. If you’ve never had to go through the fear of a Speed Boosted Reinhardt flying towards you, then you should try it out for yourself and see just how much of a threat it can be.

Ana is another great Hero on the Support Roster with solid healing capabilities. Her Biotic Rifle enables you to heal your teammates steadily with projectile shots, which become hitscan upon scoping in, giving Ana a significant advantage at healing allies from afar. She did receive a slight nerf on the amount of self-healing her Nade provides, but it isn’t too much of a big deal if you know how to use cover and work together with your other Support to keep each other alive.
Ana also has her incredibly important Sleep Dart, which can shut down big Ultimates like Earth Shatter, Dragon Blade, Deadeye, BOB, and more, and her Anti-Nade can heal her team and make the enemy temporarily more vulnerable and easy to pick off. You’ll need to be careful when going up against Kiriko and try to bait out Cleanse before your Nade, as the prior pretty much shuts down Nade and leaves it having zero effect every time.

Sigma is a solid all-around Tank pick this Season 5, with a jack-of-all-trades approach. Sigma can absorb damage with his Kinetic Grasp, defend his team with his Barrier, deal poke damage with his Hyperspheres, and stun enemies out of abilities or make easy picks for your team with Accretion.
Despite the slight nerfs to Accretion last season, which took away Sigma’s one-shot rock combo, the stun time for this ability has increased, which actually makes it even more lethal against several matchups. Sigma has merely shrugged off this minor buff and still continues to be quite reliable, proving his worth as a Hero pick.
Soldier: 76

Soldier is a strong all-rounder DPS Hero with a simple yet refined ability kit. His sprint allows him to have good movement and escape from dire situations, his Biotic Field enables him to heal himself and his teammates, and his Helix Rockets can do a good hit of burst damage on impact. His Tactical Visor Ultimate allows you to auto-lock onto enemies with your aim, which can be devastating, and his role as a hitscan is great for shutting down fliers like Pharah, Echo, and Mercy.
If you can maintain good aim with Soldier, you should get really good value out of his kit, especially when you pair his abilities with Mercy’s Damage Boost, Baptiste’s Amplification Matrix, or Ana’s Nano Boost. Soldier is only further enhanced by the latest buffs he received in Season 5, increasing his Helix Rockets, primary fire damage, and Biotic Field healing output. Soldier was already very sturdy, so this has only further cemented his place as one of the most reliable Heroes in the game.

Sojourn has always been a relatively strong pick in Overwatch 2, never failing to waiver far from the A-S Tier range. While Sojourn has a high-skill ceiling, she is one of the deadliest characters in Overwatch 2, with the potential to charge up her Railgun by damaging enemies and shields, allowing her to fire an alt-fire oneshot on squishes.
Sojourn is particularly powerful when paired with a Mercy, and her Powerslide and jump allow her more mobility than other DPS Heroes, which can make her harder to kill. She’s very aim-reliant, but if your aim is there, you should have no problems pulling off some great plays and making her a viable pick for your team.

With substantial changes to his Magnetic Grenade, Cassidy remains a strong pick in Overwatch 2’s Season 5. While he’s not as oppressive with this ability as in previous Seasons, Cass can still use this asset plus a couple of shots of his primary fire to take down annoying disruptors and divers such as Tracer and Genji, and his primary fire is excellent for taking down fliers like Pharah and Echo.
As of Season 5, Cassidy’s Grenade adds a bonus ‘Hindered’ effect to any enemy it sticks to, which restricts all movement abilities. This means Cass has the potential to shut down the kits of Wrecking Ball, Sombra, Tracer, Genji, Reaper, Pharah, Mercy, Echo, Lucio, and more. To say the least, Cassidy soft-counters over half of the Hero Roster, meaning there are rare circumstances where he won’t provide value for his team or fit into a composition. Cass also does well in 1v1 duels with the instant reloads on his Roll, giving him more survivability and making him a very solid DPS overall.

D.Va is a brilliant Tank who has the potential to do a lot for her team in matches. Her kit allows her to pivot towards any crisis her team constantly faces and help. D.Va can absorb damage abilities and even negate Ultimates such as Death Blossom, Blizzard, Dragonstrike, and Graviton Surge with her Defense Matrix. She can fly to contest enemies on high ground to knock them off, chase fliers, and dive on opponents out of position, using her rockets to deal some damage.
D.Va also doesn’t have a lot of unfavorable matchups, which makes her a great pick more often than not. If you can manage your cooldowns efficiently and be ready to constantly pivot and adapt to what’s happening around you, you’ll be able to earn great value from running D.Va as your choice of Tank in Season 5.

Lucio isn’t the most powerful healer in terms of healing output, but he more than makes up for this with the strength of his Speed Boost ability, which increases the movement speed of everyone in his AOE. Lucio provides so much utility to his team because of this and is excellent at enabling Rush, Brawl, and Dive team comps by speeding Tanks such as Reinhardt, Junker Queen, Ramattra, Zarya, and Orisa in and out of battle as needed.
Lucio can save his team from many otherwise devastating team fights or Ultimates with his own Ult, Sound Barrier. On top of this, his mobility is arguably the best in the game, and he has a lot of potential to secure extra picks for his team on specific maps by using his Boop to push them off the edge. The only thing to be a little wary of this Season 5 is Cassidy’s Hinder, as it can detach you from your Wall Ride and send you plummeting into the abyss as an environmental kill.

Zenyatta has a relatively slow healing output and is limited by only being able to heal one target at a time. Don’t let this put you off, though; Zenyatta has always been one of the game’s most valuable and deadly abilities with his Discord Orb. Discord makes opponents much easier to kill, allowing your team to destroy beefy Heroes and characters who are otherwise very difficult to pick.
With Discord and proper team communication, you can sit back behind safety, poke to deal damage, heal and throw out Discord all simultaneously, and help take down opponents for your team. Unfortunately, Zen’s Discord received a slight nerf this Season 5, reducing the range and healing timer when positioned out of his line of sight. However, this doesn’t stop Zen too much from providing serious utility for his team, especially if you know how to manage your positioning and prioritize your targets.
Junker Queen

Junker Queen can be a fierce brawl Tank to go up against, especially when paired with the assistance of a Speed Boosting Lucio. However, Junker Queen has the lowest health bar out of all the Tanks in the game, making her easy to punish and counter with heavy focus fire. Junker Queen must operate at close range, so if you’re not getting in to initiate team fights or finding yourself picked off by ranged Heroes, it’s probably best to switch her out for another Tank.

After finally receiving a much-needed rework last Season 4, Brigitte has since seen much more playtime. Though she received a slight nerf to her Heal Packs, Brig’s Rally is now a huge defensive Ult that can enormously benefit her team. Upon activating it, her shield increases in size, comparable to Reinhardt’s, allowing her to cover multiple people alongside herself.
On top of this, and most importantly, Brig’s stun is back, triggering during a Shield Bash while Rally is active. Brig is now very powerful in Brawl comps and can be played from behind cover, poking and using her Whip Shot to trigger inspiration, keeping a steady stream of heals going, which helps her build Ult much quicker. Brig also pairs perfectly with Ana in a Support Duo to provide extremely high defensive healing output and can be an absolute monster to go up against in the right circumstances.

Ashe is another powerful hitscan that proves herself to be a good pick in Overwatch 2 Season 5. While Ashe primarily operates as a mid-range sniper Hero, utilizing high ground and off angles, she can throw and explode her Dynamite to light enemies on fire, causing burning chip damage that can make the enemy easier to pick off or kill outright. She also has her Coach Gun, which can knock back opponents such as divers or flankers and give Ashe mobility to or from high ground.
Ashe’s Ultimate, B.O.B, is much more powerful due to the Season 4 adjustments, making him prioritize the targets Ashe focuses on. Ashe is another character that is great for taking down fliers, works to significant effect with a Mercy Pocket, and has the potential to get a lot of picks when positioned correctly. You can play her on most maps to high value, and her kit provides a lot of opportunities to secure picks for your team.
S Tier
S-Tier Heroes are very strong in Season 5 of Overwatch 2, and are generally some of the best picks for almost every map and scenario. Even if you’re not a master at these characters, you should have no problem finding value simply by playing them and utilizing the strengths of their kits.

Ramattra’s Hero kit gives him tools suited for a wide variety of different situations. His Barrier allows him to defend against incoming damage and poke to dish out attacks with his primary fire; his Ravenous Vortex is brilliant at slowing down high-movement enemies and giving a moment to utilize focus fire and secure kills. Furthermore, his Nemesis form allows Ramattra to engage in close-combat fights, killing off squishes with his punches. He can also use his block to absorb much incoming damage, bait out cooldowns, and survive longer.
If Ramattra can get momentum going, he can do a lot for his team and be rather hard to stop in his tracks without teamwork and communication. Luckily, Ramattra received a nice buff to his Ravenous Vortex this Season 5, allowing him to get this momentum going much easier. Though the Vortex is still blocked by Shields, it goes through enemy players, giving Ram more precision in where he lands the slowing field.

Kiriko is a brilliant Support who fits into almost any team composition and provides powerful utility for all her allies. Kiriko is a Support who can provide very steady healing, as well as having the capability of defending herself or helping to secure a pick when needed, thanks to her Kunai. With her cleanse ability, Suzu provides a brief second of immortality and wipes any negative status effects, which makes her extremely useful in shutting down Ana’s Anti-Nade, Ashe’s Dynamite, those who Reinhardt’s shatter has knocked down, and more.
Kiriko can also use her Swift Step to regroup with her team or escape a lost fight quickly. Her Ultimate Ability, Kitsune Rush, increases speed and cooldown regeneration, pairing significantly well with many other abilities and Ultimates, such as Death Blossom, Tactical Visor, Reinhardt’s Hammer swings, Dragon Blade, and more.
There is nothing that doesn’t pair well with Kitsune Rush, making Kiriko very reliable as a pick. Furthermore, she received a buff to her healing output this Season 5, allowing her more success in those dire situations that require her to prioritize only her heals, as opposed to throwing Kunai in between.

Currently, Tracer is in a brilliant spot. She’s versatile and flexible to many team comps, maps, and situations, and one of, if not the strongest, dive character in Season 5. Although she has a high-skill ceiling and can be tricky to master, Tracer does a great job of applying pressure to the enemy and securing picks in the backline. She has excellent mobility, works brilliantly as a flanker or as part of a Dive comp, and can quickly build her Ultimate. Once you’ve become a master at being a nuisance and getting in and out while securing picks, Tracer can be devastating.
That does it for our ranking of the best Overwatch 2 heroes from worst to best. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game.
Published: Jul 20, 2023 9:00 AM UTC