Recently, Bungie announced that, at long last, all Sparrows in Destiny 2 will be set to the same speed as the Always On Time Exotic Sparrow starting in Season 23. That means we can finally use whatever Sparrows we want without feeling forced to use Always On Time due to its higher speed. So today, we’re going over the top 10 Sparrows in Destiny ranked by design.
10. Otherside

Kicking off the list is one of the oldest Exotic Sparrows still available to obtain, the Otherside. This Exotic Sparrow is based on the Rat King Exotic Sidearm, and it’s fantastic. Of course, it’s not as wild as some of the other designs we’ll discuss later in the list, but it’s the fact that it’s a whole Sparrow dedicated to a gun. We rarely see Sparrows or Ships revolving around our weapons anymore, and this gem is the leading hope we’ll see more like it in the future.
You can acquire this Sparrow by completing Strike activities. It’s a random drop when you defeat the final boss.
9. Bumper Boat

Introduced last season during the Solstice of Heroes event, the Bumper Boat Exotic Sparrow is a fun and unique take on the “miniaturized” Sparrows we’ve seen over the years. It’s simple, and that’s why it’s so good. It may not fit the theme for the upcoming Winter events, but it’s still a fun and simple look for those summertime vibes.
You can acquire this Sparrow via Silver or Bright Dust from the Eververse Store when the Solstice of Heroes event returns next Summer.
8. Crota’s Exile

Given the current season is wrapped around the Hive, amongst the numerous others we’ve encountered as of late, having a Hive-themed Sparrow would be great to have on hand. As one of the rewards for completing challenges in the Crota’s End Raid, the Crota’s Exile Exotic Sparrow would be an excellent choice, as it fits the Hive theme perfectly and has a unique trail!
While we aren’t sure what Season 23 will be wrapped around, if it’s the Hive again, this Sparrow will be a must-have option for your fashion setups.
You can acquire this Sparrow by completing challenges in the Crota’s End Raid.
7. Dawning Cheer

The Dawning Christmas event is one of the leading seasonal events Guardians hold dear to their hearts, and one of the pleasantries they get to partake in is riding on their Dawning Cheer Exotic Sparrow. Guardians gifted this Sparrow when visiting Eva Levante during the Dawning, and when in use, the Sparrow drops Glimmer when you speed up with it! It’s a simple but fun concept that really paved the way for a lot of Sparrows moving forward.
You can acquire this Sparrow by completing a quest from Eva Levante while the Dawning event is active.
6. Falcon’s Chase

Introduced last year during Season of the Haunted, the Falcon’s Chase Exotic Sparrow is one of the rarest Sparrows in the game. To obtain this beauty, you must first win seven games in a row of Trials of Osiris or go Flawless as the players say. Afterward, when you go to the Lighthouse to acquire your rewards, you will have a meager chance of earning the Falcon’s Chase.
It’s simply a random drop, but acquiring it is very difficult because going Flawless is not for the faint of heart. Outside of specific holiday events, Sparrows, the Falcon’s Chase is undoubtedly one of the rarest Sparrows to obtain in the game currently.
5. Joy Of Dawning

With the Dawning holiday event a mere month away, all the previous Dawning cosmetics and rewards, including the Joy of Dawning Exotic Sparrow, are set to return. When it comes to Sparrows, this is probably one of Bungie’s most “down to earth” designs they’ve done for the event, as they essentially turned a sleigh into a Sparrow. It’s fun, festive, and fits the winter theme perfectly as we head into the new year.
This Sparrow will be available for Silver or Bright Dust when the Dawning Event returns sometime in mid-December.
4. Stygian Steed

While it wasn’t the first horse-themed Exotic Sparrow, the Stygian Steed is a top-tier design from this year’s Festival of the Lost event. It gives off a real “ghost rider” themed vibe with the blue flames coming out of the mane. Unfortunately, the color of the flame doesn’t change with shaders, but the rest of the Sparrow does, so it has a lot of options to work with. Overall, it’s a great choice if you’re shooting for a mysterious figure theme for your Guardian.
You can purchase this Sparrow for Silver or Bright Dust via the Eververse Store while Festival of the Lost is active.
3. Skitterscare

We’ve seen some pretty crazy designs for Sparrows thus far. Still, nothing could ever replicate the feeling the Destiny 2 community had when they laid their eyes on the Skitterscare Exotic Sparrow from last year’s Festival of the Lost event. A spider-themed Sparrow that actually shows the legs moving when the Sparrow moves at average speeds and then curls back when you speed up. It’s creepy and awesome at the same time!
You can purchase this Sparrow for Silver or Bright Dust via the Eververse Store while Festival of the Lost is active.
2. Majestic Whinny

They say simple is best, but everything is always complex when it comes to Destiny 2. Players have requested a horse-like Sparrow in years past, so Bungie drops the Majestic Whinny Exotic Sparrow from the Dares of Eternity event. This galactic steed leaves an awesome astral trail behind when you’re zooming through the cosmos and is one of Bungie’s most unique Sparrows to date.
You can acquire this Sparrow by completing various challenges and triumphs for Xur in the Dares of Eternity activity.
1. The Mourner

Finishing out the list is one of the new Festival of the Lost Exotic Sparrows, The Mourner. I don’t typically indulge in buying Cosmetics outside of Armor Ornaments, but man, this Sparrow is too good to pass up. If there’s one thing Bungie knows how to do well, it’s making Exotic Ships and Sparrows so enticing to buy, and this haunted carriage is by far one of the best Sparrows the design team has created.
Even though the Festival of the Lost doesn’t last for much longer, this Sparrow is a must-have for Spooky-themed builds.
You can purchase this Sparrow for Silver or Bright Dust via the Eververse Store while Festival of the Lost is active.
Published: Oct 29, 2023 09:54 am