The great thing about Cyberpunk is that melee weapons are just as useful as firearms. As the game doesn’t make a clear distinction over what is better, there are amazing weapons to be found in both categories. There’s a Blue Fang knife that players can get in the base game that is always worth adding to your arsenal. It’s good enough that even if you don’t intend to build towards melee, it will be useful in any combat situation.
Blue Fang Knife Location in Cyberpunk 2077
Getting to the Blue Fang will require a trip to the Badlands, accessed through the highway leading southeast out of Santo Domingo. If you haven’t really left Watson yet, you’re in for a bit of a drive. It’s rather far out of the main city, but there is a fast travel point nearby. You’re looking for the lone Melee Weapons Vendor.

If you have been out that way, use the Autowerks fast travel point to get there, but it will still be a slight drive/jog to arrive at the vendor.

Once you’ve arrived, talk to the Melee Weapons Vendor.

As it is Iconic, the Blue Fang will be the first item sold.

It will start at Tier 3, but depending on your level, it will be Tier 4 or 5. I found this after I hit the new level cap, so it was a Tier 5, but that should be the case as long as you are level 40+. At Tier 5, the Blue Fang is 110,638 Eurodollars, which might be quite a bit if you’re strapped for cash.
Blue Fang Stats
Though it doesn’t explicitly say it, the Blue Fang is the Neurotoxin Knife type. This is signified by the +20% bleed and +50% poison chances.
As it was a Tier 5 for me, the stats might be slightly different at Tier 3 or 4.
- Attack Speed: 3.08
- Damage per Hit: 83.98
- Stamina Cost: 4.80
- Effective Range: 25.80
- Return Time: 2.80
- +150% Headshot Damage Multiplier
- +20 Bleeding Chance
- +50% Poison Chance
Though there are other knives for sale with a quicker Return Time, the Blue Fang is just a little tougher than the non-Iconic offerings.
If you do happen to have to buy a lower-tier Blue Fang, you will be able to craft it into a high tier with the right materials. For more weapon guides to help you build the best loadout, check out our links below.
Published: Oct 2, 2023 12:46 pm