These days, with the abundance of anime releases that happen, the shojo genre just does not get the appreciation it should. Once in a while though, a classic shows up that reminds us of the golden age of shojo, the era of the Kimagure Orange Roads. A Sign Of Affection is one of those and based on what we’ve seen so far, it’s set to be the shojo of 2024.
The plot consists of a deaf college aged girl named Yuki Itose and her romance with Itsuomi Nagi, a fellow student at her college. Yuki has always lived life protected by those around her. Because of her upbringing, she never felt unsafe or alone. However, being emotionally bubble wrapped led her to be curious about what life outside her comfort zone is like. Enter a tall handsome man who has no worries for personal space in the best way possible.
Because of her upbringing, Yuki seems naturally drawn to those who do not tiptoe around her disability. She doesn’t mind being treated differently sometimes, but dislikes coddling and appreciates those who respect that. Itsuomi does this immediately, taking on a habit of greeting her by touching her head and speaking by lip reading sometimes rather than using sign all the time.

He breaks her norms as soon they meet, talking close to her face, moving quickly, using an open body language. It’s the classic opposites attract, the rough traveler and the protected girl, but in a way that is far from generic. The same goes for the pacing of the romance itself.
The characters are at the age where hormones are relaxing now that high school is over. They’re learning what it’s actually like to pursue love as young adults. That plot point deserves exploring more in media — the endocrinal brain fog has cleared, and the characters differentiate between feelings. Yuki understands that despite her attraction, it isn’t love yet because she hasn’t spent enough time with him. She’ll get there though and we’re excited to see it play out. Itsuomi’s pursuits are pretty cute too!
The relationship between these two is refreshingly unproblematic. Itsuomi’s general bold approach makes it very clear he’s interested but also patient. When it comes to specifics, he’s subtle enough that he doesn’t come off too strong, like asking if she wants a souvenir from his trip, walking her home, etc. It’s the little things! Sadly, not every character is as sweet as Itsuomi.

No one expected A Sign Of Affection to break the stereotype of the nice guy best friend, but we’re definitely not mad about it. Oushi is Yuki’s childhood friend, who, like Itsuomi, is fond of her. Unfortunately, he lacks the confidence Itsuomi has. From what it seems, if he ever had feelings for Yuki, he could never act on it.
His bitterness comes out through his personality, speaking to Yuki harshly all the time. He even tries to manipulate her into questioning if the classmate that helps her take notes is her real friend. To him, Yuki is a fragile porcelain doll that needs a forcefield. Fortunately, she’s not having any of it. She’s finally getting her chance to live how she wants, and no one is going to stop her.
If you’ve seen A Silent Voice, the plot may sound similar, but it’s quite a different approach. Yuki never experienced childhood bullies because she went to a school for the deaf from elementary to high school. The story isn’t about her being an outcast in society, it’s about how she approaches a world that’s unfamiliar. College is the first time she’s ever been in classrooms not directly catered to her needs, so she’s still adjusting.
We see this in a scene where her friend is talking to some other girls and she’s nervous to approach because she hasn’t had a lot of social experiences with non-deaf people. It can be expected that she’ll grow in confidence as the season progresses, a lot like Bocchi did in Bocchi the Rock. Heck, it already started when she got the courage to ask Itsuomi for his number.
We’ll be staying cozy this winter as we watch the romance in the A Sign Of Affection bloom!
Published: Jan 17, 2024 8:30 PM UTC