Red Dead Redemption 2 is finally out in the wild, and it’s every bit as immersive as we’d hoped it would be. Aside from just spending your time doing the story missions, robbing, and killing people, though, you could also take some time out and go fishing. If you decide to do that, you could also try to catch all the legendary fish in the game. Here’s what you need to know about how to catch all the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2, and where you can find them.
All Legendary Fish Locations in Red Dead Redemption 2
There are a total of 14 legendary fish to be found in Red Dead Redemption 2, and you can check their locations down below.
Where to Find All Legendary Fish
- Legendary Bluegill: Directly west of Rhodes, at the Flat Iron Lake.
- Legendary Bullhead Catfish: Western side of Sisika Penitentiary Island.
- Legendary Chain Pickerel: Northwest of Flatneck Station, at the Dakota River.
- Legendary Largemouth Bass: Southeast of Armadillo, at the San Luis River.
- Legendary Large Sturgeon: At the southwestern side of Saint Denis, at the Kamassa River.
- Legendary Longnose Gar: Southeastern side of Lagras, just north of Lakay.
- Legendary Muskie: Eastern side of Van Horn Trading Post, at the Lannaheche River.
- Legendary Perch: Found in the Elysian Pool, south of Annesburg.
- Legendary Redfin Pickerel: Found in Stillwater Creek, just east of MacFarlane’s Ranch.
- Legendary Rock Bass: Found in the Aurora Basin, west of Blackwater and Manzanita Post.
- Legendary Smallmouth Bass: Found in Owanjila, just west of Strawberry.
- Legendary Sockeye Salmon: Found in Lake Isabella, just north of Mount Hagen.
- Legendary Steelhead Trout: At the northeastern corner of the map, in the Brandywine Drop north of Annesburg.

In order to catch all the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2, first you’ll need the appropriate bait. Thankfully, these aren’t too hard to get.
There’s a special bait shop located in Lagras that will sell you all the bait and lures you need. Head over and talk to the shopkeeper, and look out for the special lures. You’ll want to purchase the Special Lake Lure, Special River Lure, and Special Swamp Lure. These are pretty cheap, and if your honor level is high enough, you can get them for below $20.
Whenever you’re out looking for the legendary fish, make sure to equip the correct lure. For instance, catching the legendary bluegill at the Flat Iron Lake will require you to use the Special Lake Lure. These legendary fish are pretty tough, and it’ll likely take you quite a while to reel them in all the way, so be ready for a struggle.
And that’s all you need to know about how to catch the legendary fish in Red Dead Redemption 2. And after you’ve caught all the fish, why not try your hand at hunting down all the legendary animals as well? Be sure to check our Red Dead Redemption 2 guide wiki for more information on the game.
Published: Nov 2, 2022 3:16 AM UTC