Overwatch is a free team-based shooter set in the future. It centers around 5v5 battles between groups of players. There are plenty of characters to choose from, like cowboy Jesse McCree, who has gone by Cole Cassidy for the past year. Why did his name change? Here’s everything you need to know on why McCree from Overwatch was renamed.
McCree’s Name Change in Overwatch Explained
McCree’s name change is a result of the sexual harassment lawsuit against Activision Blizzard. Since Blizzard developer Jesse McCree is the inspiration for the character’s name and he was implicated in the lawsuit, the company decided to cut ties with him and change the cowboy’s name. It’s one of many necessary steps on the road to regaining consumer trust.
The character functions and looks about the same, minimizing any disruption to players. His weapon the Peacekeeper Revolver is still a powerhouse, and he keeps his ability Deadeye, but in Overwatch 2 he has a magnetic grenade, which is slightly worse than the old flashbang grenade. Overall, he’s an okay choice as a damage hero. The name Cole Cassidy is based on old cowboy characters like Hopalong Cassidy and famous bank robber Butch Cassidy.
That’s everything we have on why Jesse McCree is now Cole Cassidy. Check out some of our other Overwatch content like when the broken ranking system is getting fixed, when Kiriko gets added, and how to get your Watchpoint Pack working.
Image Source: Blizzard Entertainment
Published: Oct 13, 2022 12:14 AM UTC