The most important equipment items available throughout Cyberpunk 2077 are those that affect your Cyberware. As with all other items available throughout the game, these are also directly affected by rarity. Due to that, we’ve crafted this guide to help you find every iconic Cyberware location in Cyberpunk 2077.
Where to Get Every Iconic Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077
There are several pieces of Iconic Cyberware you can get in Cyberpunk 2077 following its 2.0 updates. These typically become available via the Ripper Docs dotted throughout Night City after you cross a certain level threshold, but some are tied to specific quests and choices you can make throughout the game. Likewise, several are only available through the Phantom Liberty DLC via the Ripper Docs located in Dogtown.
We’ve listed the Iconics based on their types down below, along with info on their stats and effects, Cyberware Capacity costs, and other useful info.
Where to Find Every Iconic Operating System Cyberware
Operating Systems are some of the easiest Iconic Cyberware to find, as four of them are sold by all of the Ripper Docs in the game. There fifth, meanwhile, is only obtainable through the Dogtown Ripper Docs.
Militech “Apogee” Sandevistan

- Allows you to slow time by 85 percent for 8 seconds while still moving at normal speed. Duration can be extended based on your Reflexes Attribute. While time is slowed, you deal 10 percent more headshot damage, have a 9 percent higher chance of scoring Crits, and deal 13 percent more Crit damage. For each kill you get while time is slowed, you extend the duration of the effect by 20 percent and regain 22 percent of your Stamina.
- Cost: 136,484 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Point Cost: 44
- Sold by: All Ripper Docs
Militech Berserk

- When active, you are immune to damage, can’t use items, and can only use melee weapons for 12 seconds, with a n additional damage increase based on your Body attribute. You also have a 30 percent increase to attack speed, 100 percent decrease to Stamina cost, move 20 percent faster, and deal more damage at low health. Once the effect ends, you regain 25 percent of your health for every kill made while it was active.
- Cost: 97,488 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Point Cost: 35
- Sold by: All Ripper Docs
Militech “Falcon” Sandevistan

- Allows you to slow time by 70 percent for 9 seconds while still moving at normal speed. The effect’s duration is extended based on your Reflexes Attribute. While the time slow effect is active, you deal 10 percent more damage, have a 10 percent higher Crit Chance, and deal 5 percent more Crit damage. You also extend the effect’s duration and regain 5 percent of your health for every kill made while the effect is active.
- Cost: 97,488 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Point Cost: 39
- Sold by: All Ripper Docs
Netwatch Netdriver MK. 1

- Let’s you perform Quickhacks with 20 percent less traceability and with a 50 percent lower Quickhack cost for Devices and Vehicles. Combat Quickhacks also deal 15 percent more damage and last 20 percent longer.
- Cost: 97,488
- Cyberware Point Cost: 14
- RAM: 9
- Quickhack Slots: 8
- Sold by: All Ripper Docs
Chrome Compressor

- Increases your total Cyberware Capacity by 38.
- Cost: 116,985 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 0
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find Every Iconic Face Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077
Face Cyberware is a little more difficult to obtain in Cyberpunk 2077. While one is sold by all of the Ripper Docs in Dogtown, the other is only obtainable after you’ve reached a certain part of Phantom Liberty’s main story mission.
Kiroshi “Cockatrice” Optics

- Increases your Crit Chance by 30 percent, and gives you a 10x Optical Zoom when aiming or scanning. While equipped, they likewise give you a 2.9 percent increase to your headshot damage multiplier, grant you 2.9 Health points, and increase your Stealth damage by 5.7.
- Cost: 29,254 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 30
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Behavioral Imprint-Synced Faceplate

- When activated, you can alter your physical and digital identity. This allows you to escape the law more easily, but only up to a bounty level of 4. It likewise increases all of your damage dealt based on your Intelligence Attribute, with a maximum increase of 1 percent.
- Cannot be bought
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 0
- Obtained by progressing the main story mission of the Phantom Liberty DLC
Where to Find Iconic Hand Cyberware
There’s only one piece of Iconic Hand Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077, and it’s only sold by the Ripper Docs in Dogtown. It’s fairly affordable though, and can be incredibly useful for stacking effects tied to ranged weapons.
Immovable Force

- Reduces recoil by 30 percent and bullet spread by 25 percent. Also automatically activates effects for ranged weapons that would otherwise only occur when behind cover. While equipped, it also increases Health regen by 1.4 percent, total Health points by 2.9, and Explosion damage resistance by 0.7 percent.
- Cost: 77,998 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 35
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find All Iconic Circulatory System Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077
There are two Iconic Circulatory System Cyberware to track down, and they’re only sold by the Ripper Docs in Dogtown. Both are versatile and worth incorporating into most any build, so these should be at the top of your list the next time you’re flush with funds.
Electromag Recycler

- Increases your Health and Stamina by 4 percent whenever you hit an enemy with a fully-charged Tech Weapon shot, and increases health item effectiveness based on your Technical Ability Attribute, with a maximum boost of 20 percent. It also raises your Health by 2.9 points, restores .14 points of RAM for every kill, and increases Aim Speed by 5.7 percent.
- Cost: 116,992 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 40
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Isometric Stabilizer

- Reduces Stamina cost for all attacks by 18 percent. Reduces all of your Stamina costs further based on your Reflexes Attribute, with a maximum decrease of 10 percent. also increases your Explosion damage resistance by 0.7 percent, Reload speed by 2 percent, and Aim Speed by 5.7 percent.
- Cost: 77,998 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 40
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find Iconic Leg Cyberware
There’s one piece of Iconic Leg Cyberware to track down in Cyberpunk 2077, and it’s an ideal piece of gear to have if you want to get around the game’s world as fast as possible.
Leeroy Ligament System

- Increases movement speed by 18 percent. Also increases melee damage dealt by 2.9 percent, health item recharge speed by 1.7 percent, and weapon handling by 2.9 percent.
- Cost: 29,254 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 8
- Armor Points: 12
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find All Iconic Integumentary System Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077
There are two Iconic Integumentary System Cyberware to obtain from the Dogtown Ripper Docs in Cyberpunk 2077, and the best one depends heavily on what gaps you’re looking to fill in your build.
Peripheral Inverse

- The closer an enemy attacking you is, the less damage they deal. Enemies that are 3 meters or closer deal 40 percent less damage, but the effect doesn’t apply to attacks from 6 meters or farther. Also increases Melee damage resistance by 0.7 percent, Explosion damage resistance by 2.3 percent, and melee damage dealt by 2.9 percent.
- Cost: 77,998 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 32
- Armor Points: 28
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs

- Grants an exceptional amount of Armor points and increases Health regen rate based on your Body Attribute, with a maximum increase of 200 percent. Also gives you a 1.4 percent Health regen bonus and 2.9 extra points of Health.
- Cost: 39,003 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 42
- Armor Points: 200
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find Iconic Skeleton Cyberware
There’s only one piece of Iconic Skeleton Cyberware to purchase in the game, and it’s an easy way to send your Armor rating through the roof.
Rara Avis

- Increases your overall armor by 35 percent, and gives you 2 additional Health points for every Body Attribute point you have. Also gives you an additional 2.9 Health points, and increases Explosion damage resistance by 0.7 percent and Melee damage resistance by 2.3 percent.
- Cost: 243,725 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 52
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Where to Find All Iconic Frontal Cortex Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077
Finally, there are three pieces of Iconic Frontal Cortex Cyberware to gather in Cyberpunk 2077. Two are best used for Netrunner builds, but the other is easy to utilize no matter what type of character you’re playing.

- When you neutralize an enemy, you instantly cool down any Cyberware effect by 10.5 percent.It also increases your Stealth damage by 5.7 points, melee damage dealt by 2.9 percent, and Aim Speed by 5.7 percent.
- Cost: 116,992
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 55
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
Cox-2 Cybersomatic Optimizer

- Allows your Quickhacks to deal Crit damage, giving them a 100 percent Crit Chance. Also decreases your max RAM by 8, and increases your overall Quickhack damage based on your Intelligence Attribute with a maximum boost of 10 percent. It likewise increases your Quickhack damage by an additional 2.3 percent, Reload speed by 2 percent, and allows you to regenerate 0.14 points of RAM for every enemy you neutralize.
- Cost: 116,992 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 50
- Sold by: All Dogtown Ripper Docs
RAM Reallocator

- When RAM falls to 20 percent or lower, this Cyberware instantly restores 23 percent of your maximum RAM. Also increases your RAM by 2, Quickhack damage by 2.3 percent, Electrical damage by 2.9 percent, and restores your RAM by 0.14 points for every enemy you neutralize. This Cyberware’s effect cooldown is decreased by 3 seconds for every Intelligence point you have, with a maximum cooldown reduction of 60 seconds.
- Cost: 97,426 Eurodollars
- Cyberware Capacity Point Cost: 40
- Sold by All Dogtown Ripper Docs
This is everything you need to know about where to find all the Iconic Cyberware in Cyberpunk 2077. Be sure to check out our other Cyberpunk 2077 articles down below, as they could offer you some help or insight into other subjects.
Published: Nov 13, 2023 10:05 AM UTC