My Hero Academia sits atop the current anime landscape as one of the hottest shows in entertainment, following the story of Izuku Midoriya’s rise to becoming the number one hero. Along the way, he meets plenty of helpful and exciting characters to help fuel his journey and teach him priceless lessons.
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No group of characters is more interesting than the cohorts that make up U.A. High School’s Class 1-A, though, which is full of promising young heroes. Using some of the characters from this class, we’ve put together a personality quiz you’re sure to love.
Get ready fans, it’s time to see which character you’re most like in My Hero Academia.
Which of these My Hero Academia Character from Class 1-A Are You? Take This Quiz to Find Out
You have a test tomorrow. How do you prepare?
What is the coolest superpower?
What is your favorite subject in school?
What do you do on the weekends?
What are your closest friends like?
Pick one mentor:
Describe your personality in one word.
Why do you want to be a hero?
What is your favorite hairstyle?
Who is your rival/nemesis?
A bad guy appears while you're on patrol. What is your role?