Lost Judgment has a boatload of side content for you to enjoy. Whether you want to street race, go on dates, or even skateboard, the worlds of Kamurocho and Yokohoma are your playground. Some spots are a bit more exclusive than others, though, including the gambling hall. Here is everything you need to know about how to enter the Gambling Hall in Lost Judgment.
How to Enter the Gambling Hall in Lost Judgment

The Gambling Hall can be found in the bottom right portion of the Yokohama map. It isn’t a regular building, so you have to go out back of the marker through an alley and up a staircase to the left in order to get to the door.
As soon as you get to the door, though, you’ll notice there is a lock. The combination of this lock can be overheard via a conversation that occurs at Fukutoku Park.
Door Code Combonation
In the conversation Yagami overhears at the park, the NPC gives the hint that you need press 2 to the left, 2 up, 1 to the right, then down 3 times to get in. He also says the last number is zero. Working backward from the riddle that is given above, you can figure out that the code to the door is 7120.
Simply input this into the door and hit enter and you’ll be able to head into the Gambling Hall. Inside, you’ll be able to buy wooden tags, exchange tags, and play Oicho-kabu and Koi-koi.
How to Enter the Gambling Hall in Lost Judgment
- Head over to the Gambling Hall in Yokohama.
It’s in the bottom right section of the map.
- Go around back and up the staircase to the pin pad locked door.
- Put in the code 7210.
You’ll overhear this based on a hint a guy gives at Fukutoku Park.
That is everything you need to know about how to enter the Gambling Hall in Lost Judgment. If you’re still on the hunt for more info about the game, be sure to check out all of the other tips, tricks, and breakdowns related to a variety of helpful topics by searching the game’s guide wiki.
There should also be some related content down below that you may find helpful, as well as some other Lost Judgment-based news. For any questions you can’t find the answer to, always feel free to reach out to us in the comment section below and we’ll do our best to help.
Published: Sep 21, 2021 12:00 am