Mass Effect Legendary Edition has been out for a couple of months now and presumably, thousands (millions?) of major choices have been made. It’s 2021 and this is data that can be easily recorded by BioWare and today, through Mass Effect’s official Facebook and Twitter pages, they have decided to share some of the choices made by players so far.
You can check them out via the links above, or by opening up the Twitter post below. Keep in mind that this is not comprehensive of every single major choice; it’s too bad because I was curious about a lot of others, but oh well, there are still some good nuggets there.
Spoiler warning for all three games below:
Honestly? Nothing too, too shocking there. I am surprised, though, how many people choose to keep the Rachni Queen alive instead of killing it. I have a feeling this is because of how many people now know how killing the Rachni queen can bite you in the ass in Mass Effect 3.
I’m a little surprised that Ashley was rescued more than Kaiden by a fairly wide margin. I tend to see way more hate for Ashley, but it may have something to do with roughly two-thirds of Commander Shepards being male and wanting to keep their potential romance option alive in Mass Effect 1.
Mordin being the most likely to die in Mass Effect 2 is absolutely brutal for those that had to suffer through that. He is just absolutely crucial to keep alive.
I would love to see the stats for the original games and see how different they are from the Legendary Edition. Let us know in the comments below if you deviated from the majority on any of these.
Published: Jul 27, 2021 8:09 PM UTC