Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom, the acclaimed sequel title that launched back in 2018 for consoles and PC, is finally getting a release on Nintendo Switch, and today we’ve learned it’s set to arrive on Sept. 17 for $60. In addition to the base game, the new “Princes” edition contains both DLC packs, which includes The Lair of the Lost Lord and Tale of a Timeless Tome.
Ross Borden, VP of Publishing at BANDAI NAMCO Entertainment America Inc.
“The incredible artistry and deft emotional touches of the Ni no Kuni series have made it stand apart from other action RPGs, and we’re happy we can finally let Nintendo Switch fans experience the full breadth of Evan’s adventures on the go and at home. Ni no Kuni II: REVENANT KINGDOM – PRINCE’S EDITION tells the story of a kingdom in devastation, and of a group of friends ready to rebuild a kinder and more just world in its wake. We hope that new fans will embrace the game’s charming spirit of friendship and perseverance.”
Twinfinite reviewed Ni No Kuni II: Revenant Kingdom and was full of praise, scoring it an exemplary 5/5 and remarking:
“Ni No Kuni 2 pushes the envelope and reinvents the wheel while staying true to its JRPG roots. It reminds me of that enchanting escapism and magic of early Final Fantasy games. Yet it recaptures it not through imitation but through the sort of adventurous design that has forged the legacy of some of gaming’s most seminal and iconic games.”
If you need a refresher on the Ni No Kuni II, it’s an action RPG that tells the charming tale of a young boy who is transported to a fantasy realm to steer it away from evil forces. The game’s unique battle system and kingdom-building mechanics are among its standout features. You can watch a new trailer for the Prince’s edition below.
Published: May 20, 2021 11:09 am