The Palindrome is back and is now obtainable in Destiny 2. A popular hand cannon from Destiny, Palindrome is the first in what appears to be a new trend of resurrecting some of the first game’s most fearsome legendary weapons. If you’re here, you’re probably aware of its return but are wondering how to get Palindrome in Destiny 2. Here’s what we know so far.
How to Get The Palindrome Destiny 2
The Palindrome, like the other returning Destiny legendary weapons, are obtainable through Nightfall: The Ordeal as a possible strike-specific loot drop.
For ages, fans were begging Bungie to add more Nightfall loot and they finally delivered as of Season of the Chosen and seem to be in the process of using Destiny weapons to enhance the loot pools of Nightfalls.
What’s currently unknown is which strike drops which weapon. As of the time of this writing, it doesn’t appear that The Palindrome is obtainable yet as we are not seeing any reports of it dropping, however, if we’re wrong or we get a clearer picture of what drops from what, we will update this article.
In the meantime, your best bet is to go ahead and start grinding away at the highest level Nightfall: The Ordeal you can handle and let us know if you get the drop.
The Palindrome will not only have classic perk rolls such as Rampage and Outlaw, but also is loaded with new perks, such as Thresh and Bottomless Grief. Mentally prepare yourself for grinding out that god roll.
That’s all you need to know about how to get Palindrome in Destiny 2. For more tips, tricks and FAQs answered, check out our latest Destiny 2 content here, along with our Beyond Light review and Year 4 wiki guide.
Published: Feb 10, 2021 5:46 PM UTC