The popularity of Inner Sloth‘s hit game Among Us has increased to tremendous levels over the past few months. The game’s simple mechanics can be used to deceive your friends and randoms alike for hours of fun. If deception has been something you’ve really enjoyed in gaming, here are a few more games like Among Us.
Garry’s Mod
Games Like Among Us

One of the biggest FPS sandbox games of all time Garry’s Mod, affectionately referred to as Gmod by its players, is an all-in-one source for custom game modes. For games like Among Us, look to two of the most popular game modes on the platform, TTT and Murder.
TTT, or Trouble in Terrorist town is a game mode where people are assigned to one of two teams, the innocents or the traitors. Both sides have weapons, and it is the job of the traitors to dispatch of all of the innocents before they are found to be traitors and killed themselves. Traitors have access to a special menu where they can buy traitor-only weapons and technology.
The innocents have the help of a single detective, who has access to their own special gear, and has a letter over their name so that the whole game knows they are not a traitor.
The other game mode is Murder, where one player spawns with a knife, with intent to kill all the other bystanders on the map. One other player spawns with a gun and can shoot the murderer, but will be punished for shooting bystanders. Both game modes are quite similar in their base mechanics Among Us, and can be a ton of fun with friends.
Games Like Among Us

Deceit is a Free-to-play deception game from Baseline. In the game, a small portion of the players will be monsters, who must drink blood from blood bags across the map to charge their ability to change into the monster and eat people.
The normal humans must find fuses and resources to progress through the map while working together to figure out and vote off the monsters from the lobby.
The game itself is an FPS and it is far more about action and running than it is about sleuthing, but a clever monster or human may be able to turn the lobby into a voting machine with a silver enough tongue.
Werewolves/Mafia/Town of Salem
Games Like Among Us

All of these games are lumped together since they are all played in the same way. Originating as a tabletop game, players are given cards with their identity written on them.
Using Werewolves to explain, the simplest version of the game involves two kinds of players, townsfolk and werewolves. The townsfolk will each generally have a subclass such as doctor or bodyguard, which gives them an action to perform in the night.
The game is played like Among Us, you are all sat around a table to discuss what has happened, but instead of going to do tasks, you will then all close your eyes at the end of the discussion and let the narrator, a third-party controller similar to a dungeon master in dungeons and dragons, slowly go through each class allowing them to silently perform their nightly action. The werewolves simply choose a person to kill every night.
Both of the tabletop versions of the game can be found in the game Tabletop Simulator as user created modules. Town of Salem is a separate browser version of the game that is controlled by a computer, instead of a narrator, allowing all participants to play.
The Ship
Games Like Among Us

The biggest deviation from Among Us on the list, The Ship pins all players against each other. Each player has a target, generally another player if the lobby is full. The target is never the same as the person hunting you, and your goal is to kill your target with a weapon that is worth the most amount of money for the round, which changes randomly each round.
You are only aware of who your target is, so trusting and suspecting other players as the one hunting you, or not, are the biggest parts of the game.
The original version of the game is still available here on Steam, though with the servers shut down it can take a lot of effort to get it working. The remaster has been known for a few bugs and lag spikes, but as you are looking for games like Among Us, this should be no issue.
Project Winter
Games Like Among Us

Project Winter is a brutal game about eight people surviving in the blistering cold. As with many of these games similar to Among Us, it pits the survivors against a hidden enemy among them.
In this case however, survival is the utmost priority, and death can come well before any traitors get their hands on you.
Although a large majority of the reviews simply say “Better Among Us,” the game boasts features and mechanics that wildly vary. The mechanics are a major part of the fun of learning the early parts of the game, so they will not be listed here, but survival and escape is the name of the game.
If none of these interested you and you are instead looking for more ways to experience Among Us, check out this article for how to set up and play the custom game mode Hide and Seek.
Published: Nov 9, 2020 01:17 pm