Today Star Citizen developer Cloud Imperium Games released another video showcasing new content fro its growing space simulator.
The video has two main segments. The first showcases the new weapon attachment interface that will be released in alpha 3.9, which should come very soon.
The second segment is perhaps the most spectacular (unless you’re really into guns, I guess), showcasing the brand new interior of the New Babbage landing zone.
New Babbage is the main city of the recently-implemented planet Microtech, but until now, it actually did not have an interior.
Alpha 3.9 will bring that interior, allowing us to explore and enjoy what’s basically the most technologically-advanced location in the game so far.
Let me tell you, it looks nuts. Yet, you don’t need to believe me. You can watch it yourself below.
In other Star Citizen news, the crowdfunding total is now over $275 million.
To be more precise, it’s sitting on $275,000,902 at the moment of this writing. The number of registered accounts has also been updated ato 2,552,440.
As usual, it’s known that not all of them are paying players. The number includes free accounts created for a variety of reasons.
If you want to learn more about Star Citizen, you can read our latest interview focusing on the Cutlass Red and medical gameplay.
For the sake of full disclosure, the author of this article has been a Star Citizen backer since the original Kickstarter campaign several years ago, so you should keep that in mind while reading this article.
Published: Mar 26, 2020 11:37 PM UTC