BioShock 2 and its Minerva’s Den DLC contain a total of 24 ADAM slugs. The DLC is part of the Collection, so no need to spend more if you have it already. Each slug provides 10 ADAM. They’re pretty useful, so we’re here to show you the location of every single ADAM slug in the entire game.
All ADAM Slug Locations in BioShock 2
Siren Alley
There are a total of five ADAM slugs in the base game of BioShock 2, three of which can be found in Siren Alley. Siren Alley comes right after the Pauper’s Drop section of the game, and you’ll be out in the sea.
The first slug will be on full display in plain sight to the left of the path. It’s even under a spotlight.
The second slug is just past the first. Once you walk past a wall, turn around and it’ll be behind you, on that same wall.
The third and final ADAM slug in Siren Alley is in a pipe to the left of the main path, just before reaching the end of this underwater area.
Fontaine Futuristics
There are two different underwater sections in Fontaine Futuristics, each housing one ADAM slug. The first can be found on the seafloor, under a sunken walkway.
The second ADAM slug is a little tougher to find since it’s not on the main path. At some point, you’ll need to drop down a hole that’s next to a dead Big Daddy. There will be a flight of stairs nearby, away from the path to the airlock exit. Instead of walking towards the airlock, climb the stairs.
The stairs will lead you back around to a different side of the hole you fell through. You’ll be able to see the slug, as well as the Fontaine Futuristics sign in the distance.
Minerva’s Den
The Minerva’s Den DLC for BioShock 2 contains a total of 19 ADAM slugs. Nine of them are found in breakable jars labelled “Fresh Water.”
There are nine ADAM slugs to find in the first part of Minerva’s Den. The first is in the underwater area at the beginning of the DLC. It’ll be on your right, in front of the Minerva’s Den sign.
The second ADAM slug is on the wall to your right just after entering the second area.
After coming back out into the “open sea” area again, you’ll continue down the main path and fall. There’ll be a staircase in front of you, but just before the stairs, you’ll see a slug on a pillar.
For the fourth, you’ll need to walk past, then around, the staircase above. Keep going until you reach a large pillar. The ADAM slug will be on it.
The fifth slug is in an office in the Executive Wing near a Gatherer’s Garden. The office is flooded, and this is the first jar slug you come across. Simply break the jar to obtain it.
Surprisingly, the sixth ADAM slug is indoors, but not in a jar. It’s in a pool of water in front of the huge clock in the Executive Wing’s Boardroom.
The seventh slug is the last in the Executive Wing. It can be found in an area that’s closed off by a magnetic lock. You can enter it using the Gravity Well plasmid. If you don’t have the plasmid yet, you’ll have to come back to this location. The slug is at the back of the area, next to a turret.
The eighth ADAM slug is located in the System Design area of McClendon Robotics. It’s on a dresser at the back of an office, guarded by a security camera.
The ninth slug is found at the end of the DLC’s first part. It’s located in the New Accounts office within Air-Tite Archives. It’s on the second floor of the Archives entrance, on a desk next to a typewriter.
The second part of BioShock 2’s Minerva’s Den contains 10 ADAM slugs. Continuing from the numbering above, the 10th slug is just outside the airlock to your right after walking out into the sea.
The 11th slug is on a rock near some glowing orange seafloor plants, underneath pink coral.
ADAM slug number 12 can be found by heading left once you see a glowing blue plant. The slug will be next to a large metal door.
Number 13 is still in this underwater area. It’s on top of a rock that has an anchor resting on top of it. You can get to the slug by jumping from the nearby cliff with the signal beacon on it.
The 14th is in a jar directly in front of you on a reception desk upon going through the entrance of Operations.
The 15th slug is in a jar in Felix Birnbaum’s office, which is located in System Programming. To enter, you’ll need to get a key from the vending machine just outside the office. The slug is across the room from the door once you enter.
The 16th is in a jar located in Exhaust Venting. It’s on the floor near a vending machine that can be found on the left, close to the Vacuum Bot.
Number 17 is another rare indoor slug without a jar. It’s in a flooded section of the room when you enter the Climate Control area. You’ll need to walk forward and crouch near a corpse to find it.
The 18th slug is also located in the Climate Control section, and it’s on a desk in the same room as the actual Climate Control lever you need to pull in order to get rid of all the ice.
The Thinker
The Thinker is the final area of Minerva’s Den, and it houses the last ADAM slug. Look to your right just before entering the Maintenance Access Shafts. You’ll find the slug in a jar below a TV screen.
So, as you can see, there are a ton of slugs to find in BioShock 2. Those are all the details you’ll need to find every single ADAM slug. If you’re looking for more tips, check out the guides below:
Published: Feb 11, 2020 5:57 AM UTC