In this Far Cry 6 mission list, we’ll run you through the complete set of 56 main missions. The majority of these are found across the three main regions of Yara, but also includes the prologue mission and those on the Isla Santuario island at the very beginning of the game.
All Main Missions in Far Cry 6
We’ve broken down the main missions by the region they can be found in. Keep in mind that after you’ve left Isla Santuario, you can take on each of the regions of Yara in any order you like, so the order below may vary to the one you take.
- La Noche De La Muerte
Isla Santuario
- The Lucky One
- Juan of a Kind
- Du or Die
- Fire and Fury
- Fuel the Revolution
- Libertad Rises
- The Guerrilla
- Meet the Monteros
- Napoleon El Pequeno
- Blood Ties
- Clear the Air
- Second Son
- Packing Heat
- Sundown
- Bury the Hatchet
- Death Warrant
- Open Skies
- Diesel Daisy
- Fly Ball
- Justicia Montero
Valle de Oro – All Far Cry 6 Missions
- Meet Mazimas Matanzas
- Balance the Books
- Precious Cargo
- Break the Chains
- Re-Education
- Hype Bomb
- Radio Libertad
- Guerrilla Radio
- Firebrand
- Bottle Episode
- Words Like Bullets
- Lost & Found
- Intervention
- Surgical Extraction
- Angel De La Muerte
El Este
- Meet the Legends
- Take Your Medicine
- Pics or it Didn’t Happen
- The New Revolution
- Bullet Points
- Knuckleball
- National Treasure
- Room Service
- Harpoon
- Our Right to Party
- Lion’s Road
- Tourist Trap
- Weapon of Choice
- Surgical Strike
- The Deported
Esperanza & Isla Del Leon
- Paradise Lost
- Dead Drop
- Against the Wall
- The Lion’s Den
- The Battle of Esperanza
All Yaran Story Missions in Far Cry 6
Yaran Stories are marked on your map with a purple compass icon, and have you interacting with the different citizens of Yara. These are some of the more interesting and unusual missions you’ll get in Far Cry 6, and are well worth completing.
There are 29 Yaran Story missions in the game. These are as follows:
- Triada Blessings
- Supremacy
- Who’s a Good Boy?
- Fetch Quest
- Spur of the Moment
- Over Easy
- Backseat Driver
- Stealing Thunder
- Heavy Metal
- Model Citizen
- Boom or Bust
- Wing and a Prayer
- Tanks for the Likes
- Stealing Home
- Shock Therapy
- Big Papi in Little Yara
- The First Love
- The Seeds of Love
- Man’s Best Enemy
- Pecking Orders
- Wingman
- Everything to Lose
- Nothing to Hide
- Undercover Stud
- Tricks of the Trade
- Loose Ends
- Turn the Party
- We’re (Un)Jammin’
- Paint the Town
All Treasure Hunts in Far Cry 6
There are 21 Treasure Hunts to complete in the game. Treasure Hunts are areas marked on your map that contain weapons, materials, or gear. They’re initially marked on your map with an exclamation mark.
I highly recommend completing the Triada Relic treasure hunts, as these are required for the Triada Blessing mission. Completing this mission gets you Oluso, the ghost panther, the Truesight Stealth Supremo, and the La Variata Resolver Rifle. All three of these rewards are incredibly powerful and well worth the time investment in the quest.
- Ida’s Triada Relic
- The Man and the Mongoose
- The Legend of La Princesa
- Cache Money
- High Supply
- Crocodile Tears
El Este
- Mimo Abosi’s Triada Relic
- A Rising Tide
- The Long Drop
- The Emerald Skull
- Parting Gifts
- A Little Birdie Told Me
- Passing the Torch
Valle de Oro
- Oku’s Triada Relic
- Liquid Courage
- Sword-Crossed Lovers
- And the Beat Goes On…
- The Missing Muse
- The Truest Yaran
All Far Cry 6 Special Operations
Special Operations can be completed in solo or co-op and reward Moneda to help you buy more weapons and gear. There are 6 of Special Operations, and they’re marked on your map with a blue and white star. They can be unlocked by speaking to Lola at secured guerrilla camps.
- Puerta Del Eden
- Malagua
- Los Tres Santos
- Mesozoico
- Maceo
- Cocodrilo
Far Cry 6 Downloadable Content
Far Cry 6 has four bits of additional content separate from the base game. These all take the form of roguelike missions where you’ll take on the same mission, opening chests, completing quests and killing enemies to earn Cash. Each time you die, you lose inventory items and have to start over.
Three episodes of the DLC have you assume the role of a villain from the series’ past: Vaas from Far Cry 3, Pagan Min from Far Cry 4, and Joseph Seed from Far Cry 5. The larger expansion, Lost Between Worlds, follows a similar layout as these three episodes, but keeps the focus on Dani Rojas.
As such, while not your typical mission, the DLC available for Far Cry 6 adds four more ‘quests’ for you to dive into.
There you have a complete Far Cry 6 mission list, running you through all main story missions and the Yaran Story side missions. For more tips and tricks on the game, head over to our Far Cry 6 wiki or see more of our coverage below.
Published: Jan 27, 2025 11:01 am