So you’re all caught up on the latest Destiny 2: Season of Dawn quests as of the reset on Dec. 17, 2019. Or maybe not, and you’re just wondering where the heck Saint 14 is because, well, Bungie said we’d be rescuing him and you’re supposed to be delivering him cookies by now. In this guide we’re going to go over what is going on and where Saint 14’s location is in Destiny 2: Season of Dawn.
Spoiler Warning: We will be discussing Season of Dawn story spoilers in this article. If you don’t want to be spoiled, catch up on the quests and then come back.
Saint 14 Location in Destiny 2: Season of Dawn
OK so Saint 14 is coming at some point, possibly this week, but almost certainly next week with the release of the next part of the Save a Legend story. As of the time of this writing on Dec. 19 though, Saint 14 is not anywhere in the Tower. You don’t have to go crazy looking for him. He’s nowhere to be found.
Yes we did save him in the most recent story update and there’s a triumph to deliver him a cookie, which is why Saint 14’s location or lack thereof might be a bit confusing. You’re good though just hang tight until the next story patch.
We do know where he will be when he does decide to grace us with his presence. He’ll be hanging out right here in the Hangar. Be sure to bring him Lavender Ribbon Cookies when you go to say hi for the first time, that’s his favorite and you’ll progress in The Dawning quest line/triumphs.
That’s all you need to know about Saint 14’s location in Destiny 2: Season of Dawn. For more tips, tricks and FAQs answered, be sure to check out our year 3 wiki guide for the latest on the Shadowkeep-era of Destiny 2.
Published: Dec 19, 2019 12:17 pm