Today Bungie showed off what Destiny 2 players can expect to do and obtain during the 2019 version of their winter holiday event, The Dawning.
Based on the tidbits that Bungie has shared so far, it appears like it’s going to be similar to last year, which is fine by me as last year’s event was probably the most fun I’ve had during a Destiny 2 holiday.
You’ll need to bake holiday cookies to share with your friends in the Tower and around the Solar System. These cookies, of course, are made from the blood of your enemies.
In exchange for spreading holiday cheer you’ll receive gifts in return from your pals and eventually you’ll likely get your hands on the new Dawning-exclusive Submachine Gun, Cold Front.
Of course there are new cosmetic items to chase or buy including a new ship, ghost shells, armor ornaments and emotes. You can check out the set of screenshots Bungie released for The Dawning 2019 today down below.
The Dawning 2019 will start on Dec. 17 and run through Jan 14. It’s free to all players, paid up or not.
Published: Dec 12, 2019 8:31 PM UTC