How to Get the Camera (ProSnap Deluxe Camera) in Fallout 76
Despite some hiccups upon the game’s release, Bethesda is still hard at work updating Fallout 76. Following a slight delay, players can now access the ProSnap Deluxe Camera.
While it may seem odd to add a camera to a game that already features a photo mode, the ProSnap Deluxe Camera does bring some interesting content along with it. Here is everything you need to know about how to get the ProSnap Deluxe Camera in Fallout 76.
The Bucket List
The first thing you’ll need to know about the ProSnap Deluxe Camera is that it is a part of a quest line known as the Bucket List. For this quest, you’ll find a camera that belonged to a tourist that perished just after the Great War.
Due to their death, the tourist was unable to complete their dream of taking scenic photos of Appalachia, requiring you to do it in their memory. In order to do this, you’ll need to find the camera first.
To find the ProSnap Deluxe Camera, players will need to scope out touristy areas and find a dead body. The tourists are pretty easy to spot and are usually named Anne or Ansel.
We were able to find the camera against a car in the parking lot of Wavy Willard’s Water Park. Now that you’ve found the camera, you’ll have to get it fixed first.
How to Fix the Camera
When you pick up the broken ProSnap Deluxe Camera from the tourist, you will also receive a recipe to create a functioning version. All you have to do is head back to any Tinker’s Workbench and craft the item with the necessary resources.
Now that the ProSnap Deluxe Camera is up and running, the new Fallout 76 quest line that comes along with it is now available.
Just like the other quests in Fallout 76, the Bucket List will detail where you have to visit in order to complete the mission. The tourist’s photo album will require you to travel all around Appalachia, photographing the designated landmarks.
While that might sound simple and straightforward, do keep in mind that this camera requires film, similar to ammo for weapons. Film can be crafted just like ammo, but we also recommend using the Ammosmith card in order to make more rounds.
That is everything you need to know about how to get the ProSnap Deluxe Camera in Fallout 76. For more helpful information, be sure to check out our ever-growing Fallout 76 guides wiki.
Published: Apr 24, 2019 5:43 PM UTC