How Many Levels There Are in Baba is You
Baba is You is a once in a lifetime indie gaming experience, and as such a lot of players are probably wondering how many levels there are before it’s over. Fortunately for them, they won’t be able to tear through all of the game’s content anytime soon.
Boasting 176 base levels across several different hub worlds for players to experiment on, mull over and break the conventions of game design with, Baba is You is a game with a surprisingly deep well of content.
This isn’t counting the game’s 34 extra levels, 3 secret levels and 6 overworld puzzles, which offer twists and challenges based around the puzzles players had to solve before reaching them.
Adding in these special challenges puts the game’s total level count at 219.
Granted, some might still scoff at this total as not enough, but that’ll only last until they reach some of the more fiendish mind benders in the game’s arsenal. Trust us when we say that this game will have players busy for a good long while.
How to Unlock Them All
Better yet, unlocking all of these different levels is simple enough. Aside from the secret levels, all players really need to do is play and complete every one they encounter to unlock the next world, opening up new batches of content.
While this doesn’t apply to extra levels – being, as their name suggests, extras meant to offer a special challenge – they’re still worth completing for the way they encourage players to think outside the box and prepare them for future challenges.
To that end, players can focus on playing the game and enjoying it to the utmost with the assurance that there’s plenty more to come after they first dive in.
Hopefully this cleared up how many levels there are in Baba is You. For more on the game, check out our guide on how to beat the particularly tricky prison level.
Published: Mar 25, 2019 12:10 pm