Everybody’s Golf, the fun arcade golf game that was once known as Hot Shots Golf in the west, has returned and the trophy list features 31 trophies, including a platinum. Here is how you get all the trophies in Everybody’s Golf.
Push It To The Limit! (Platinum) – Unlock all the 30 other trophies.
VS Master (Gold) – Defeat all the VS characters – Defeat the boss golfers that challenge you during each rank.
Secret Master (Gold) – Defeat all secret VS characters that unlock when you meet certain milestones. The first appears when you get 50 birdies.
The End…? (Gold) – Watch the ending movie that plays once you beat the final rank. It will happen sometime after Rank 5.
Absolute Finesse (Gold) – Score a condor on any recorded official round. A condor is holing a shot in four under par. Essentially, you’ll need to sink a par five in one shot.
Walking Encyclopedia (Gold) – Catch all 68 fish in the fishing encylopedia. You can see how to fish here.
Rank 5 Cleared (Silver) – Beat all three VS characters in Rank 5.
Rank 4 Cleared (Silver) – Beat all three VS characters in Rank 4.
Rank 3 Cleared (Silver) – Beat all three VS characters in Rank 3.
It’s a Miracle! (Silver) – Score an albatross in a recorded official round. Either a hole in two on a par five hole or a hole in one on a par four.
My First Hole in One (Silver) – Score a hole in one on any hole.
Inspiring Spiral (Silver) – Score with a Spiral Shot. Hit the pin after pressing left when setting the power while pressing left on the d-pad and right when setting the impact. It should spiral down the pin and go in the hole.
Bolt From the Blue (Silver) – Score with a Homing Shot. Hit the pin after pressing up when setting the power while pressing down on the d-pad and right when setting the impact. It should head down the pin and go in the hole.
Never Misses the Mark (Silver) – Score with a Rising Shot. Hit the pin after pressing down when setting the power while pressing up on the d-pad and right when setting the impact. It should rise up the pin and go back down into the hole.
Top Marks (Silver) – Get all of the professor’s questions correct. There are three rounds, one in Rank 2, One in Rank 3, and one in Rank 6. You can see all the answers here.
Rank 2 Cleared (Bronze) – Beat all three VS characters in Rank 2.
Rank 1 Cleared (Bronze) – Beat all three VS characters in Rank 1.
Hop, Skip, and a Jump (Bronze) – Make a shot skip at least once over water. The best way to do this is to aim over a body of water that isn’t too large – a bay style area of water. It is also best to take the shot from the tee with a driver because the trajectory will be lower and the velocity will be higher, which will make it more likely that the ball will skip over the water.
Perfect Putting (Bronze) – Simply sink a putt from more than 30 yards. Has to be on the green, using a putter.
Crack Shot (Bronze) – This will unlock when any shot from off the green stops within three feet of the hole, which is shown by the inner blue circle around the hole.
Backspin Virtuoso (Bronze) – Successfully perform a super backspin. When setting the power of the shot, press up on the d-pad at the same time a pressing X to set the power, ensuring that you hit 100% power. Then, press down as you reach the impact area. If you do so successfully while getting perfect impact, the ball will spin back dramatically as it lands.
Rocket Launch (Bronze) – Drive the ball from the tee more than 30 yards. Will only unlock in an official recorded round.
My First Chip In! (Bronze) – Chip the ball into the hole from off the green, ensuring that you finish under par.
My First Eagle! (Bronze) – Finish a hole in two under par.
My First Birdie! (Bronze) – Finish a hole in one under par.
My First… Fish? (Bronze) – Catch your first fish. You will unlock the ability to fish after the second VS character of Rank 4. For all the details on how to fish, see here.
My First Cart Ride! (Bronze) – Drive a golf cart for the first time. For all the information on how to ride a golf cart, see here.
Online Debut (Bronze) – Enter an online open course. Go through the leftmost barrier in the multiplayer area. You do not have to play a hole or move, simply spawning on the course will see the trophy pop.
How Do I Look? (Bronze) – Anytime during the game, head to the character customization screen by pressing Options and choosing Customization. Simply change your character’s appearance in any way and save the changes.
Welcome to Golf Island (Bronze) – This will pop once you have created your character and entered the Home Area.
If you are torn about whether to pick up Everybody’s Golf, check out our review.
Published: Sep 1, 2017 8:46 AM UTC