Destiny 2 brings back all the beloved weapon types that players are used to. A fan favorite, the scout rifle, is back and there are a bundle of whole new ones to love. We’ve hand-picked the best scout rifles in Destiny 2 so you don’t have to. Enjoy the list and let us know which one’s your favorite in the comments down below!
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Nameless Midnight (Kinetic)
This is a weapon that you’ve probably heard about but just aren’t sure why. It’s because it holds its own against many weapons that other players consider to be the very best. This is one of the most dangerous scout rifles currently in Destiny 2, and in the right hands can dominate the Crucible and Trials of the Nine with ease.
What really helps set it apart from the competition is its explosive rounds. These do high damage combined with the higher impact of the Nameless Midnight. The weapon also has a decent firing speed. It does lack in the handling and reload speed departments though, so you’ll definitely need to find your mark so you don’t end up reloading in the middle of a shooting match. Still, not many weapons pack as strong a punch as this one from down a long lane, so you’ll want to keep at least one of these on your person at all times.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Skyburner’s Oath (Exotic Energy)
Skyburner’s Oath is one of the exotic scout rifles on offer in Destiny 2. It’s a random drop, which means you may have some trouble getting it, but it’s damn good once you finally obtain one and get the hang of it. It fires slug rounds that are high impact, though it’s not very fast. If you can compensate for that lack of speed by being really good at aiming, you’ll be fine, as each shot will shake up your opponent good.
Also, seeing as how this is an energy weapon, if you happen to catch a Crucible opponent charging at you from a distance with a live super, you can shut them down quite well using Skyburner’s Oath. This is a powerful option for those looking for long-range shooting.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Conspirator (Raid Energy)
Obtained as a random reward during or after completing the Leviathan raid in Destiny 2, this scout rifle is quite impressive. For starters, it has great handling, rivaling even the MIDA Multi-tool, and can be set to full auto. With some decent stability (that you can increase with armor mods) it lets you let loose a steady flurry of bullets at enemies that just about always hit their mark.
Dragonfly (which is Destiny 2’s version of Firefly) makes things interesting as well. Precision kills cause the enemy to explode in whatever element you have your gun set to. This is great during Nightfall strikes, but can also cause havoc during a Crucible match when the opposing team is grouped up trying to team shoot. You can send players scurrying with a nice little BOOM!
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
MIDA Multi-Tool (Exotic Kinetic)
Of course, there was no way we could continue without mentioning the MIDA Multi-Tool. No matter how controversial it may be at the moment, there’s no denying that it’s a damn good weapon, and the ease of obtaining it makes it a common go-to in the Crucible. Just because it’s easy to get isn’t the only reason it’s being used, though. The credit for that goes to two particular perks: MIDA Multi-Tool and MIDA Radar.
The MIDA Multi-Tool perk makes a guardian faster simply by having the weapon equipped. This makes for easier traversal of Crucible maps and faster flanking. The Radar perk keeps your radar active at all times, even while aiming down this scout rifle’s sights. Pair those perks with some damn good accuracy, fast firing speed, great handling, and lightning fast reloads, and you have a refined killing tool that is quickly becoming the bane of many a guardian’s existence.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
The End (Trials Energy)
Trials of the Nine weapons are built to be great in PvP, and The End is no exception. However, it’s also a decent scout rifle for any activity. It has better stability and impact than the MIDA, though it’s lacking in handling and reload speed. Still, if your trading bullets with someone across the map, the handling won’t become an issue, and reloading is only a problem if you’re the type to not get your kill before the clip is empty.
The End has a nice firing rate which helps keep it competitive, but it also has some useful perks. You can go for Slideways or Auto-Loading Holster for some help with the reloading. The former grants some bullets to your magazine simply by sliding, and the latter reloads the gun if you have it holstered. There’s also Pulse Monitor which reloads part of your magazine if you’re seriously wounded, often turning the tide of battle in a tight spot.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Pleaiades Corrector (Energy)
If you’re a Future War Cult kind of a person, then Pleaiades Corrector is a gun you want to go for during your next rally. Pleaiades Corrector is an excellent scout rifle that carries the Rampage perk which increases your damage as you defeat enemies. Although it doesn’t last long, you can very easily pick up stacks defeating trash enemies like Goblins or Thrall, and then take some high powered shots versus tougher enemies. Also, on top of that, it has Lightweight which makes you a tad quicker while using it, and has all around balanced stats and is decent at any range.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Call to Serve (Kinetic)
Call to Serve is a scrappy weapon for those of you that can land critical hits quickly. Triple Tap, is a highly sought after perk for crack shots and is great for putting a hurting on bosses that have large critical hit hitboxes. Call to Serve shoots pretty fast, and you can shoot even more if you can consistently get Triple Tap going. While it’s not the most stable scout rifle you can use, it’s serviceable and especially effective at medium range.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Manannan SR4 (Kinetic)
To be quite honest, the Manannan SR4 is an average scout rifle except for one perk that puts it over the top: explosive payload. It’s essentially a poor man’s Nameless Midnight. If you’re having a hard time getting Nameless Midnight for whatever reason (you didn’t pick it most likely), but have a Manannan SR4, you can absolutely get by with it. Although Nameless Midnight outclasses it in most things once you get one.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
The Jade Rabbit (Exotic Kinetic)
The Jade Rabbit is far from the best Scout Rifle in the game, even as an exotic. It’s stats aren’t great, and should not be used in PvP in any situation. That said, in PvE, in a skilled hand, it does have a use that helps it earn its keep. Despite its low magazine size, if you land a body shot, and then a critical, your ammo is restored. Meaning if you have a target where you can consistently swap back between body shots and critical shots, you can just shoot and shoot and shoot. Again, this is a very niche use, however if the situation presents itself, it can be a very powerful.
Best Scout Rifles in Destiny 2
Metronome-52 (Curse of Osiris)
The Metronome-52 is a new legendary scout rifle added in the Curse of Osiris expansion. It is one of the few full auto scout rifles in Destiny 2 and unlike the others, it’s actually pretty good. This is because Metronome-52 has a half way decent stability, allowing you to make use of the increased fire rate by not missing half of your shots. It has similar statistics to Nameless Midnight, so if you’re familiar with how that weapon feels, Metronome-52 won’t feel that different. Nothing will ever be Vision of Confluence again, but Metronome-52 is pretty good in all game modes.
Published: Sep 22, 2017 10:09 PM UTC