One of the many reveals that happened at this year’s Blizzcon was the reveal that everyone’s favorite cyborg ninja was getting an exclusive skin. Unveiled during the Opening Ceremony’s Heroes of the Storm segment, this new outfit is going to require a bit more work than just amassing gold coins. In order to get this skin, you will need to download Heroes of the Storm (which is free) and have a account in order to gain access to it. Once you have downloaded and installed the game, you are going to need to play 15 different games with someone on your friends list between Nov. 15 and Jan. 4.
These modes, thankfully, are not just limited to Ranked Play; both Co-op vs. A.I. and Quick Play can be used to complete this challenge. This will make it easier if you have never played Heroes of the Storm and want the matches to go by painlessly. After you have completed your 15 matches, the Oni Genji Skin, Oni Genji Portrait, and Oni Genji Spray will all be unlocked. You will not need to buy them with any of your gold coins; these items are only locked behind playing Heroes of the Storm. There is also no requirement on actually winning the matches, so even if you lose, it will count towards your progress.
If you are having trouble finding people to play with, Heroes of the Storm has a number of Looking for Group sites such as their official LFG forum. It’s also important to note that if you are playing Overwatch on Xbox One or PlayStation 4 you will want to make sure to link your account to your title. In the options menu, there should be a tab that will allow you to connect your account with the console game. Make sure to use the same account for both Heroes of the Storm and Overwatch otherwise, you won’t earn the reward.
While this skin will take some grinding, the awesome design of the Oni Genji Skin is certainly worth the effort. Plus, Heroes of the Storm is quite fun, and this is a good way for Blizzard to reach out to their community and possibly expand their player base. Happy hunting!
Published: Nov 7, 2016 4:47 AM UTC