Final Fantasy is a franchise with a long history, spanning multiple decades. It was first released in 1987 and was created by Hironobu Sakaguchi. There are fifteen mainline games, with two of them being MMORPG’s. The series has sold over one hundred million copies and is one of the best selling video game series in history.
Final Fantasy helped pave the way for Japanese games in the west, especially Japanese RPG’s.
It’s known for its long stories, expressive characters, and in-depth gameplay. Final Fantasy has always had a focus on impressive visuals, sweeping soundtracks and in-depth character models. With so many games under the franchise’s belt, you’d think that no one would know EVERYTHING there is to know about this beloved JRPG series.
You may need to know more than just the characters and plots of each mainline series. Every Final Fantasy game has a lot of lore built around their worlds, including languages, alphabets, codex, bestiaries, and even religions.
Do you think you are the ultimate Final Fantasy fan? Well, you’re welcome to prove yourself by taking this quiz!
Published: Nov 5, 2019 10:34 am