For Honor: Multiplayer Tips for Success

Don’t. Split. Up.

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For Honor Multiplayer Tips

One of the easiest ways to die in For Honor is to run off on your own without any support and charge at the enemy team. Not only will this make you an easy kill, but will make your team a man down when they try to either defend or recapture objectives. If you die and you see your teammates still respawning, just wait a few seconds for them. It’s better to charge in together than get ganked by a group of enemies just waiting around the corner. Remember, you can always see both the enemy and ally death spots, so make sure to know what you’re getting yourself into before running out of the main spawn.

If you find yourself with a small break in the combat, try and revive your allies. It doesn’t take long and getting them up at full health can make a huge difference in a fight. Always try and remain together, otherwise it can be too easy for players to become isolated and then slaughtered on the battlefield.

For Honor is a game all about nuance and understanding when it the best chance to strike. Following these fundamentals will help you grow as a fighter and learn the various combinations that a certain character can pull off. With some practice and time, you can dominate the battlefield in no time.

For more tips, guides, and walkthroughs make sure to visit our ever-expanding For Honor wiki.

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Collin MacGregor
Collin was a Senior Staff Writer for Twinfinite from 2016 to 2017 and is a lover of all things horror. When he's not healing his teammates in Overwatch, raiding in Destiny, making poor choices in Dark Souls, or praying for a new Ape Escape you can now find him working at Bungie as an Associate World Designer.