Fallout 4, Far Harbor, DLC, what's new, everything you need to know

Fallout 4: Far Harbor – Tips and Tricks to Know Before Playing

Time to set sail.

New Gear!

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Fallout 4, Far Harbor, DLC, prepare, everything you need to know, what's new

Many players will be tempted to pack heavily before setting sail to Far Harbor. You don’t know what to expect, so you want to be prepared for everything. If you’re going to take only one bit of advice from us, take this: Don’t do that.

Bring your best stuff, but leave room for all of the sweet new gear that Bethesda has thrown into Far Harbor. We’re talking brand new armor, exotic new weapons, new perks, and more. Even the vendors in the game have some better stuff this time around. So you don’t really need those three rifles that you like lugging around, nor do you need that bowler hat… well you can bring the hat if you really want to. But, remember that there are better things lying in wait for you. 

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Image of Ishmael Romero
Ishmael Romero
Just a wandering character from Brooklyn, NY. A fan of horrible Spider-Man games, anime, and corny jokes.