The Wakanda Warriors season introduced a brand new card to the world of Marvel Snap, and yeah, you guessed it: it’s Black Panther. Unlike Miles Morales or Nick Fury, Black Panther’s card effect definitely seems a lot more impactful. While it’s unlikely to be meta-defining like Wave was all those months ago, it can certainly find a solid spot in a lot of existing archetypes. Here’s our take on the best Black Panther decks in Marvel Snap.
Best Marvel Snap Black Panther Decks
While most of our decklists will be Pool 3-centric, newer players can still get Black Panther early by purchasing the Season Pass. He fits fairly well into the early Odin On Reveal deck, which we’ll go over in more detail below.
However, if you’re already in Pool 3 in Marvel Snap, the possibilities really start to open up.
- Odin On Reveal
- Wongers
- Lockjaw
Odin On Reveal

- Korg
- Forge
- Okoye
- Armor
- Nakia
- Storm
- Killmonger
- Enchantress
- Jessica Jones
- White Tiger
- Black Panther
- Odin
The Odin On Reveal deck from Pools 1 and 2 still work well with Black Panther, and you’ll want to focus on buffing him up as much as possible. Forge, Okoye, and Nakia will all help to increase his power, allowing you to drop him on turn 5 with a huge power push. On turn 6, you can reactivate his ability with Odin to completely lock down a lane.
Jessica Jones and White Tiger can help to secure a second lane with Storm, while Armor is really just there to protect you from potential Shang-Chi plays.
While Wong is extremely susceptible to counter-plays like Cosmo and Enchantress, when he goes off, he goes off. Wong decks are already pretty damn powerful in Marvel Snap, but Black Panther is just going to make it even better. There are two main variations on the Wong deck –one with Electro that runs plenty of big minions, and one that relies solely on Wong as your main enabler.
Here’s the Electro decklist:

- Electro
- Thor
- Jubilee
- Thor
- White Tiger
- Leech
- Black Panther
- Arnim Zola
- Leader
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
And here’s the Wong-centric decklist:

- Iceman
- Star-Lord
- Ironheart
- Gambit
- Storm
- Thor
- Jubilee
- Wong
- White Tiger
- Black Panther
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
Both of these lists previously ran Gamora, but Black Panther just does her job better with cards like Arnim Zola and Wong in play. The Electro deck has a few paths open to you: drop Electro or Thor on turn 3, or drop Wong on 4. Electro will let you cheat out several big minions early, such as Devil Dino and Black Panther, and you can spread your power with Arnim Zola on turn 6. The Thor play is a backup if you don’t have Electro, and can still work well with Wong, White Tiger, and Odin. The only drawback is that you don’t have any early game plays.
With the Electro list, you may consider dropping Leech for more useful tech cards like Enchantress or Shang-Chi. Storm is also a solid replacement, as lane control isn’t usually a problem for this deck. The ideal play line here is Wong, Black Panther, and Arnim Zola in a single lane.
The Wong-centric list is heavily dependent on dropping Wong on turn 4, though you have plenty of early game options to help you push power onto the board like Star-Lord and Thor. Jubilee could help you cheat out Wong on turn 4 or another big minion, and the idea here is to re-trigger as many On Reveals as possible with Odin and Wong on the final turn.

- Wasp
- Black Widow
- Lockjaw
- Wave
- Thor
- Wong
- White Tiger
- Jane Foster
- Black Panther
- Doctor Doom
- Odin
- Magneto
Speaking of big minions, Lockjaw is one of the best cards in Marvel Snap to help you cheat out powerful cards early. While Black Panther’s ability is pretty powerful, he can also crowd out your turn 5 plays, and it may be better to find a way to get him onto the board early instead.
Lockjaw synergizes well with Wasp, Black Widow, and Mjolnir (if you already have Thor out) to let you cheat out a big card, and as usual, you can re-trigger those abilities with Odin on the final turn.
That does it for our picks for the best Black Panther decks in Marvel Snap. Be sure to search for Twinfinite for more tips and information on the game, including an explanation of how the card pools work.
Published: Nov 8, 2022 1:58 AM UTC