The anime adaptation of Given, which was originally a manga series, received a hugely positive critical reception after having aired in 2019, and so it’s little surprise that many are wondering whether there will be a Given Season 2. Here, we’ll be providing a breakdown of everything we know so far.
Given – Will There Be a Second Season?
Unfortunately, despite overwhelming demand, Given has not yet been renewed for a second season. That doesn’t mean there won’t be a season 2, just that nothing has officially been confirmed by either animation studio Lerche or Crunchyroll.
As for why that is, it’s important to keep in mind the show is a manga adaptation that is directly based on that source material, as were the subsequent movie and live-action drama. The first series was adapted up to chapter 15 of the manga, and the movie up to chapter 28, which corresponds to the end of volume 5. So far, there are 7 volumes of Given manga, meaning that there’s probably quite enough material for a second season anime adaptation.
The manga continues to be produced, but we would imagine that at least another two or three volumes need to be released before a second season can be adapted. If we were to hazard a guess, it seems as though 2023 would be the earliest we would see Season 2 of Given.
Of course, we’ll keep you posted as soon as we hear more. Until then, that’s everything there is to know about whether there will be a Given Season 2. You can check out Twinfinite’s wrap-up of the top 20 best anime while you wait.
Published: Jul 27, 2022 10:58 am