Where The Durrells Is Filmed
The British comedy-drama series The Durrells is based on Gerald Durrell’s autobiographical books about his family. While the show began airing in April 2016, the story is set in 1935 and follows Louisa Durrell who announces her plans on moving with her four children to a Greek island called Corfu. That said, some fans might be wondering where the show’s filming location actually is.
Most of the show is actually filmed at the same location, on the island of Corfu found on the mainland’s northwest coast. Corfu is the second largest of the Ionian Islands, boasting vast rugged mountains, humid weather, and beautiful scenery. Aside from the regions of Criseda, Perama, and Kontokali, the show is usually filmed in small villages – particularly in a quaint Corfu village called Danilia.
Danilia is a replica of the 1930’s Corfiot village, filled with two squares, a traditional cafe, large open-air taverns, and a beautiful church. It’s also worth noting that this was the same filming location in the James Bond film, For Your Eyes Only.
The show is currently in its third season, having just aired earlier this month. You can watch the show now on ITV.
For more details on The Durrells, make sure to search for Twinfinite.
Published: Mar 20, 2018 02:16 am