realm of magic, sims 4

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods You Can’t Play Without

This article is over 3 years old and may contain outdated information

The Sims 4 would be nothing without its wide array of expansions to choose from. Realm of Magic is one of our faves, so we’ve gone ahead and looked through the community to find the best Sims 4 Realm of Magic mods that we think will enhance your gaming experience and add even more to an already expansive addition to the base game.

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Here are some of the best Sims 4 Realm of Magic mods!

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Occult Lot Trait

sims 4 realm of magic learn magic

This mod give you a lot trait when building that adds a new spooky aspect to your households.

The new trait is called “On an Occult Ley Line”, and when active it offers a chance for your Sims to conceive a baby that doesn’t match their Occult type.

Therefore, Spellcasters could have a baby mermaid, or a vampire and a human could have a baby alien. The actual odds of any different occult type are tied to what specific packs you have installed to your game.

There is also a custom moodlet when Sims “Try for Baby” on a lot with this trait active, making them express a little uneasiness as to what mysterious creature will soon become their offspring.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Limit Spellcasters in Magic Realm HQ

The new Realm of Magic game pack comes with a new lot called the Magic Realm HQ. You can access it by going through the portal in Glimmerbrook to get to the Realm of Magic where the lot is located as pictured above.

It’s a very cool lot, but it sometimes has way to many NPCs doing way too many magic things to the point it can get distracting and annoying just to be on the lot.

This mod allows you to either limit or get rid of all the Spellcasters in Magic Realm HQ, so it feels a little more manageable.

The three limits include only having one novice and one intermediate Spellcaster, only having two novice and three intermediate Spellcasters, and finally only having the Sages appear.

No matter which option you choose, the Sages will always stay in the house so you can interact with them for more magic content.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Familiar Interactions/Better Familiars

realm of magic, sims 4

A Familiar is a small animal that comes in 11 different variations including Fairy, Bunnerfly, Dragon, Phoenix, Veild, and more.

Your Sim’s Familiars are cool to look at, and compete a couple tasks for you, but lack much character and feel more like props then actual animals.

This mod adds some new interactions so your Familiar can chat with you in some cute new ways.

Now you can request magic tips from your little buddies, or converse with them about magic in general. Their little blurbs will come up as text boxes in the top right-hand corner of the game.

The modder for this one says more interactions are set to come in the future as well.

There is also another Familiar based mod found here that adds some new tweaks to your magical buddies to make them more beneficial to have around.

These changes include granting the Spellcaster a 50% Spellcaster XP Boost when summoned, and also the ability to send their owners gifts every so often that the Spellcaster Sim could then use in potion making.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Familiar Orb Computer

Speaking of the Familiar buddies in the new Realm of Magic game pack.

To get a Familiar your Sim will need to open a Familiar Orb, which will summon and bound the Familiar to your Sim.

This mod adjusts the orb so it now has computer functionality as well. The default computer animations make it look like your Sim is using the magic of precognition to learn things by surfing the web through a crystal ball.

The same modder also made a mod where the Familiar Orbs can work as functional lights as well, so you can choose to turn them on and off for some mood lighting.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Spellcaster Perks for Free

Instead of inputting cheat codes one at a time, or god forbid actually acquiring the perks without cheats one at a time like an animal, this mod simply unlocks every single Spellcaster perk for free at once.

Once the mod is downloaded, you will be able to buy all 24 kinds of Spellcaster perks in one go.

Some of the perks include Hexproof which protects your Sim from curses, Knowledge Is Magic which lets your Sim research more quickly, and Master Duelist which gives your Sim a higher chance at winning a duel.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Modular Portal

sims 4, realm of magic

This new mod allows you to have more options with the magical portal your Sims use to get the Realm of Magic.

In order to use this mod properly, you will have to make sure you have bb.moveobjects, testingcheats true, and bb.showhiddenobjects enabled before placing it.

Once installed you will be able to customize portal locations by choosing the entrance and exit points.

You can also choose what specific archways will hold the portal itself if you are going for a certain aesthetic.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

NPCs Don’t Automatically Become Spellcasters

the sims 4: realm of magic, what's new

Once you get this game pack, you might be frustrated to see a bunch of your NPCs will suddenly have become Spellcasters out of the blue.

This can suck if you have set up various plotlines with the Sims in your town. Now you suddenly see a Sim you envisioned as a smug jock studying magic at Magic HQ, which can break that realism a bit.

This mod makes it so none of your NPCs will automatically become a Spellcaster as soon as the game pack is downloaded. Instead, it will use its own premade Spellcasters or generate new ones to fill out the world.

Now you don’t have to worry about the underlying stories within your town being interrupted.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

New Wands

the sims 4: realm of magic

While the base pack does come with some wants, this mod adds a ton of new functional ones in a variety of better colors and styles.

The wands themselves are taken from The Sims 3, and the six wands taken from those assets come with various swatches for each.

So whether you have a gothic Spellcaster who is fine with a normal black wand, or a superplum fairy-esque Sim who would rather the bright pink, you are going to find something for every Sim.

Best Sims 4 Realm of Magic Mods (2021)

Caldron Potions Cost Money

Normally all the potions cost zero Simoleons to make, so this mod added price points for every potions based on a few different factors.

The prices are based on the potions utilities and ingredients. They come in five different variations being regular price, 2x price, 3x price, 5x price, and 10x price.

The potions you make can then be sold in store with specific price increments so your Sim will make a nice profit.

Those were some of the best Sims 4 Realm of Magic mods. Be sure to grab the ones that stood out to you. For more Sims 4 mods you just have to try, check out our expansive general list for the very best mods The Sims 4 community has to offer.

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Image of Haley MacLean
Haley MacLean
Video games are a true unification of art and technology, and Haley was amped to be able to write about them during her tenure at Twinfinite. A lover of all things Nintendo, obsessed with narrative driven games, and hopes the couch co-op genre makes a return soon. BA/BJ/MJ from University of King's College, NS, Canada. Haley was a Staff Writer for Twinfinite from 2016 to 2021 with a focus on covering all things The Sims and Nintendo.