Phantasy Star Online 2‘s release is finally here, and it is shaping up to be a phantastic game. However, with a myriad of classes/race combinations to choose from, you might want some help deciding the race that’s right for you. This guide will help you pick a race in PSO2.
Which Race Should You Pick in PSO2
Phantasy Star Online 2 started with three races: Humans, the elf-like Newmans, and robotic CASTs. The fourth race, the horned Deumans (initially spelled Dewmans before the official English translation) were later introduced alongside a new class.
While the game has yet to include more races (the playable Beasts from Phantasy Star Universe are nowhere to be seen), it has introduced quite a few new classes. While any race can fill the shoes of any class, some races are better suited for specific classes than others thanks to race-specific stat bonuses.
PSO2 Races

In most video games, the Human is the jack of all trades race, the species of average stats with no glaring weaknesses. This pattern continues in Phantasy Star Online 2.
Humans have fairly average stats across the board. However, males have slightly more health and melee attack/defense (S-Attack/S-Defense), while women have more dexterity and tech attack/defense (T-Attack/T-Defense).
Also, since Humans are the standard race, they don’t have special cosmetic customization options during character creation.
If you want a race that can function in any capacity but isn’t a min-maxer, Humans are for you.
PSO2 Races

Newmans are your typical elven race: magically proficient and physically frail. However, unlike other elf-like species, Newmans are the result of genetic manipulation and are descended from Humans.
All Newmans feature higher tech attack stats than any other race, which comes at the cost of health, melee attack, dexterity, and ranged attack (R-Attack). However, a Newman’s melee attack stat takes a bigger hit than its ranged attack.
Interestingly, male Newmans receive a boost to ranged defense (R-Defense), while female Newmans have higher tech defense. And, much like humans, female Newmans also have better tech attack than their male counterparts, whereas male Newmans have more health.
Since they are elven, Newmans sport long, pointed ears that can be altered during character creation. You can control the length and angle of these ears.
If you want to play a class that focuses on magical spells and can resist ranged attacks, you should pick the Newman.
PSO2 Races

Unlike most races, the origin of CASTs changes with every entry. In Phantasy Star Online, CASTs were created as androids; in Phantasy Star Universe, they were originally servitor robots who developed self-awareness and eventually free will. Now, in Phantasy Star Online 2, CASTs are the brains of sickly Humans and Newmans who have been transplanted into artificial robot bodies.
Since they are made of metal, CASTs are hardy and strong. They sport more health and dexterity than any other race. Plus, their melee attack and ranged attack stats are higher than most. However, these benefits come at the cost of low tech attack and defense stats.
As usual, male CASTs have more health and melee attack/defense than females, while female CASTs sport higher ranged attack/defense stats.
CASTs have novel character customization options. Unlike other races, CASTs can choose from a variety of robotic heads, as well as humanoid heads with unique markings. Moreover, their torsos, arms, and legs can be mixed and matched for different combinations.
And, as an added bonus, CASTs have a unique —if purely cosmetic— movement option that lets them slide around the ground on rocket boots.
If you want a powerhouse character that excels in melee, create a male CAST. But, should you desire a sniper character who can wipe out enemies at a distance, make a female CAST.
PSO2 Races

Deumans are essentially the Newmans’ brothers from another mother, since they were also artificially created. However, instead of being elf-like, Deumans are closer to demons in appearance, specifically an extremely toned down depiction of the Oni from Japanese mythology.
Because of the design philosophy behind their in-universe creation, Deumans are a glass cannon race. While they have slightly more health than Newmans, Deuman melee defense stats are on par with Newmans, and their ranged and tech defense stats are equal to those of Humans. However, to make up for these deficiencies, Deumans have the strongest melee attack in the game, while their ranged attack is equal to that of CASTs. The Deuman’s tech attack, however, is slightly lower than a Newman’s.
As with most races, Deuman males have more health and higher melee attack than females. However, Deuman women have a bit more dexterity and ranged attack.
Deumans feature two unique character customization options. The first and most obvious is their horns. Male and female Deumans feature different kinds of horns: males sport one unicorn-like horn and females get two. As with Newman ears, you can change the length and angle of these horns. The second option unique to Deumans is heterochromatic eyes.
If you don’t care about defense stats and want to maximize your attack potential, the Deuman is the race for you. However, male Deumans are slightly better at melee classes, while females are more suited to long-range combat classes.
That is everything you need to help you pick your race in Phantasy Star Online 2. Check back with Twinfinite for more PSO2 news and guides.
Published: Apr 15, 2020 8:38 PM UTC