All Cheats and Console Commands in Pillars of Eternity 2: Deadfire
Pillars of Eternity 2 is a pretty tough game, and at some point, you might be tempted to take advantage of the cheats and console commands that are available to you in the game. If that is what will make the game more enjoyable for you, by all means go for it! Just keep in mind that achievements are disabled on files that have used any of the cheats and console commands, so keep that in mind before going down that road.
To enter the console command menu and input cheats, while in game press ~ and then type in iroll20s. Then you’ll be able to enter all of the following cheats. Have fun!
AddExperience #: Whatever number you put there will add that much experience to your party
AddExperienceToLevel #: Whatever number you put there will raise everyone to that level
Cosmic Bird: Gives you a Cosmic Bird pet in your inventory.
Cosmic Cat: Gives you a Cosmic Cat pet in your inventory.
Cosmic Dog: Gives you a Cosmic Dog pet in your inventory.
CraftingDebug: Gives you a bunch of crafting materials.
FreeRecipesToggle: Let’s you craft whatever recipe you want whether you have the materials or not.
GiveItem “Item Name”: Puts whatever item you type in there in your inventory
GivePlayerMoney #: Whatever number you put there gives you that currency.
God: You’re invincible, go buck wild. Type it in again to turn it off.
HealParty: Heals everyone to full.
Invisible: Gives you 100% total stealth.
NoFog: Removes the fog of war from unexplored areas.
Rest: Let’s you rest anywhere.
ToggleSpellLimit: Allows everyone to cast spells with no limits.
UnlockAll: All of an area’s chests and doors will be unlocked.
UnlockBestiary: Unlocks all of the possible bestiary entries.
Published: May 11, 2018 04:44 pm