Team Composition Still Reigns Supreme
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
No matter what the game mode is, Overwatch is still a game that will force you to really consider your team composition. Just because you aren’t in a ranked match or battling it out in a death match it doesn’t mean you can forget about some of the basics. Make sure your team composition is well-rounded in Junkenstein Endless and includes at least one hero that can heal teammates. You’ll also want to make sure you have at least one hero on your team with solid range and another hero with good mobility who can hunt down Symmetra’s shield generators.
Make sure your team composition is well-rounded in the Junkenstein Endless Brawl and includes at least one hero that can heal teammates. You’ll also want to make sure you have at least one hero on your team with solid range and another hero with good mobility who can hunt down Symmetra’s shield generators.
Zenyatta is Highly Recommended
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
While Zenyatta isn’t a must pick for Junkenstein Endless Brawl, he is certainly one of the best heroes to keep on your team. Of course, his ability to heal teammates with Harmony Orbs comes in handy but being able to toss a Discord Orb on monsters as they appear is where Zenyatta really shines. If your team prioritizes monsters by placing a Discord Orb on the current target and focusing gunfire before moving on to the next monster only after the first has fallen, you’ll find yourself easily making it through the hordes of enemies.
Zenyatta is also a great way to provide healing for your team without sacrificing on damage. Not to mention a well-timed ult by Zenyatta can easily save your entire team’s life and carry them through an overwhelming battle with Junkenstein’s monsters.
Focus On One Monster At a Time
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
Whether you have Zenyatta on your team or not, this is important. Zenyatta is a great tool to utilize when focusing monsters but even a team without this orb-tossing hero should prioritize one monster at a time to survive the Junkenstein Endless Brawl. This may sound crazy when you see enemies like Reaper and Roadhog both present on the map and dealing out serious damage but it’s truly the most effective way to make it through. So instead of having one-off battles where Junkenstein’s monster will likely overcome one of your teammates, make sure your team is focusing one powerful foe at a time. This will give you a better chance at taking down an enemy before they can take down a teammate and leave your squad short a hero for 15 seconds.
Coordinate Your Ults
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
There really isn’t a need to stack ultimates in the Junkenstein Endless Brawl. While it can be tempting to use multiple ultimates once things get a little too hectic, check in with your team to see who has their ult and which one is best to use in that moment. The last thing you want in this mode is to find yourself in a situation where one of Junkenstein’s monsters is causing problems for your team and there are no ultimates available to take them out.
Stay By the Gate and the Close to Your Healer
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
This seems like an obvious piece of advice but sometimes the urge to run up to the Zomnic’s spawn points just to get some extra kills can lure players away from their team like a deadly Siren song. Don’t get so caught up on racking up eliminations in the Junkenstein Endless Brawl that you find yourself leaving the gate (and your team) in order to be the first one to get your hands on the enemy. Even if you are able to survive, leaving the area in front of the gate makes it much harder for you to help take our Rip Tires, get healed as you take on damage, or keep sneaky Zomnics from getting past your team’s defenses and blowing up the castle gate.
Make Sure Torbjorn’s Turret Is In Range of the Gate
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
There are a few locations where you can toss up Torbjorn’s turret and get a ridiculous amount of free eliminations. You will look like the MVP with a guaranteed triple digit elimination if you place his turret next to one of the enemy spawn points but you will also be frustrated when your team keeps losing. Again, make sure the team’s efforts are prioritized more than your own elimination count in Junkenstein Endless. Torbjorn’s turret is the best defense against Zomnics who are getting too close to the castle gate. If Torbjorn’s turret gets a clear line of sight to the castle gate that you’re defending, it can easily deal with weak Zomnics that sneak past your team.
Make Sure DPS Heroes Prioritize Rip Tires
Overwatch Halloween Terror 2017
The real trick to winning Junkenstein Endless is to understand and deal with the fact there will be a lot going on in one moment. Priorities should be set for each player before things get out of hand. In the beginning, it will be easy to deal with everything being thrown at you but by the time Junkenstein makes appearances while also having his monster minions hunt you down, you’ll want to have a clear priority list in action. Believe it or not, DPS characters shouldn’t focus all their attention on the monsters—not all the time anyway. When a Rip Tire gets let loose, there should be at least one DPS character who breaks away from the fray in order to keep the tire from reaching the castle gate. You will want to make sure the DPS character focuses this because it can be hard to deal enough damage to the Rip Tire as it comes speeding towards the castle, especially once Symmetra starts putting down her shield generator.
Published: Oct 11, 2017 08:48 am