Don’t Run
This may sound counter-intuitive to the experience but stay with me for a moment. Yes, there are instances in Outlast 2 where you have no choice but to run. Those sections are chases and if you don’t run you automatically die. However, during the regular segments where you’re just navigating areas with enemies searching around using flashlights, moving slowly actually helps you out quite a bit, especially on higher difficulties.
Running in Outlast 2 generates a lot of sound and makes you an easy target. You can easily slip by crouching and sticking to the shadows. sometimes enemies will get really close to you while in this position and not even notice, and that’s always a good thing. Just keep the urge to sprint under control.
You Can’t Fight, Don’t Try
If you’ve played the first game in the series, then you were most likely already aware of this. But, if you’re new or were just really hopeful for a change in mechanics, we’re sorry to inform you that you still can’t fight. You are pretty much as defenseless now as you were when exploring that asylum in the first entry. Outlast 2 keeps you without any weapons, leaving you to rely on your wits, camera, and running legs.
You do have some defensive capabilities, though they aren’t attacks and they’re not very reliable. Certain unarmed enemies will let you struggle, allowing you to break free and run away. But it doesn’t always happen and it’s fairly unpredictable. It’s much better to completely stay away from any zealot you happen to see roaming around since it will almost always spell disaster for you.
Conserve Your Battery
One of the first realizations that will hit you as you explore the dark areas of Outlast 2 with your trusty night vision is that the camera battery does not last forever. You’ll need to scavenge batteries and swap them out in order to keep the juice flowing. On the lowest difficulty, Normal, this isn’t too much of a big deal as batteries are fairly common, even more so than healing supplies. However, on higher difficulties, you’ll need to really ration the use of your camera.
Some areas are legitimately pitch black requiring that you use the camera, others are simply dark and you’ll need to make do with navigating shadows and using the moonlight. It takes a bit of getting used to, but it is definitely manageable. It’s better to struggle with minimal light for just a bit than it is to completely run out of power and be stuck.
Break Line of Sight Before Hiding
Hiding is a very useful mechanic in Outlast 2, as it allows you to stay alive when normally you’d be hacked into pieces and probably eaten. However, just like in real life, it’s completely useless if the enemy sees you climb into your safe place.
When being chased and you feel the urge to hide, you must give your pursuer the slip first. This can be done by running into dark areas, making lots of turns, or creating a lot of distance between you. You can then duck under a bed or desk, climb into a barrel, or stuff yourself into a closet. As long as the enemy didn’t see you get in, they’ll walk right on by. If they did see you, though, they’ll pull you out violently and usually kill you on the spot.
For more on Outlast 2, check out our wiki.
Published: Apr 24, 2017 7:05 PM UTC